During today’s visit to Kavadarci, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, also answered a question related to the energy crisis, that is, whether restrictions are possible because they were announced and emphasized that everything can be expected from this government because they have completely forgotten the economy and the citizens.

One thing I know is that we will need a lot of money. First of all, if you remember, the Government announced that they would need 150 million euros to get through the year and overcome the energy crisis. After that meeting with Pendarovski, which I really don’t know what it was for, they came out with a figure of 300 million. Here I am telling you that 500 million may be little, why? Because they forget the economy, they see only what interests them, and they forget the economy, they forget the local management units that have extremely high costs. Here is the mayor of Prilep next to me, we can directly testify to the enormous difficulties in the operation of the utility companies in the water supply and so on, due to the high electricity bills. Only the electricity bill is for 30 percent of the total income for the month of July and August, for the month of September. So only the electricity bill, I’m not talking about the costs that are related to the operational work of the utility companies and the water supply. Imagine if you have an electricity bill that exceeds the income of your company by 20, 30, 40 percent, and the government leaves you at the mercy of the government, what should you do, Mickoski said.

Mickoski emphasized that the government did not think about the economy or the citizens, that is, they worked irresponsibly and wastefully and only negotiated and stole tenders in private.