In times of instability, those with the most capacity and motivation to topple the government are most adept at doing so. When asked if he still maintains by his former statement that there are those seeking to destabilise the state, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski responded today, “Democracy implies stable institutions and we will do everything to protect the institutions.

About the destabilization, the information is as it is. All those who became millionaires from swindlers and ruled Macedonia for the past seven years, all those who ran amok in the streets and here in the capital city and throughout the country have an interest in destabilizing it because they are the most skilled and strongest when there is instability. But we as a state and as a Government will fight for a stable state and stable institutions, because democracy implies stable institutions and we will do everything to protect the institutions – said Mickoski after the visit to the State Roads PE.

The prime minister went on to say that everyone and everywhere must be covered by the law. He stressed that we collaborate with our partners here, and I am appreciative of that.

For me, anyone who works in the direction of strong and stable institutions is a patriotic person who loves his country, for me he is a person whom I encourage and will always support – said Mickoski.

He earlier said that they have information on individuals with millions of dollars at their disposal—some of whom were high ranking officials in previous administrations—who are attempting to organise people in the field to undermine the nation’s interethnic harmony.

– We have indications of elements that have huge sums of money in the millions, some of them are high officials in former governments and who are trying to mobilize people in the field, mostly to manipulate and what worries me in particular is that that they are trying to provoke an ethnic conflict, that is, to destabilize the inter-ethnic harmony in Macedonia. That’s what worries me the most because they realize that otherwise they can’t mobilize people and now the only way is to provoke this type of conflict. We will not allow that. I appeal to the public, the media and the citizens to refrain from any provocations, to ignore them – said Mickoski on the 15th of this month.

Conversely, President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova stated in response to an inquiry from a journalist following Mickoski’s remarks that she had no intention of calling a meeting of the National Security Council to discuss the claims of signs of state instability.

Indications of destabilization are one thing, threats of destabilization are another, but the reality is different. I said that I will not convene the Council because I think that in this time of disbelief when we have to deal with fires as natural disasters, we also face other threats under quotation marks. I don’t see that those threats are a reality at the moment – said Siljanovska Davkova, announcing that she can convene the Security Council after its re-equipment