Hristijan Mickoski, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, has called upon Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski to participate in upcoming elections and directly engage with the citizens. When asked about Kovachevski’s statement that SDSM would win elections convincingly, Mickoski responded by emphasizing that the only way to prove this claim is through the electoral process.

Mickoski commented, “Kovachevski has an interesting sense of humor, I must admit. Nevertheless, the most effective way to determine the real winner is by participating in elections, and we will see the results when the time comes.”

Regarding the statement made by DUI leader Ali Ahmeti, who expressed his reluctance to participate in a leaders’ meeting, Mickoski expressed that even if such a meeting does not materialize, the deadlines for the elections will still be applicable.

Mickoski stated,

“The deadlines will arrive regardless of whether they accept a leaders’ meeting or not. This is stipulated by the Constitution and the laws. In a few months, we are scheduled to commence the campaign for the presidential elections, which are planned for next spring. The date’s determination, whether through a leaders’ meeting or other means, remains in their hands. We believed it would be a statesmanlike approach to sit down, as has been the practice for over three decades, and agree on the election dates to avoid potential political and constitutional crises.”