We have a strong distortion of values in every respect. It must stop! Terror against people must stop! They must stop losing their jobs because they belong to a party or think differently from the government, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski said at Friday’s “protest against revanchism and terror against citizens and political opponents.”

He called on the international community, which he said was calling for the rule of law, to come out and listen to human destinies.

To hear how today parents shed tears because they cannot provide a decent livelihood for their families. Because they see the sad faces of their children to whom they cannot provide computers to attend classes as their peers do. Because they had only one sin, they were activists or they supported the opposition or they had a different opinion from the government, Mickoski said.

The leader of the opposition called on all non-governmental or governmental organizations that, as he said, today use grants, to come out to talk to all the thousands of citizens who today do not know how make ends meet.

Talk about their fate. See why they are protesting here today! They are protesting here, because they are protesting against the injustice and suffering inflicted by SDSM and Zoran Zaev. Because today people are being transferred from Skopje to Kicevo, from Kicevo to Bitola, from Bitola to Veles, just because they disagree with the government, Mickoski said.

He called on the citizens to join the next protests which will be of different character and different content. He asked the citizens to stand up to the injustices, to take their destiny into their own hands, because, as he said: “no one can help us if we do not help ourselves.”

Mickoski added that we will not be closer to the EU when people suffer from torture and revanchism.