The President of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Hristijan Mickoski, in tonight’s interview in Top Tema on Telma TV, says that the agreement for special economic cooperation with the Republic of Hungary is a loan agreement between the two governments, stressing that Viktor Orbán gave concrete support for the country’s needs.

This is a government-to-government agreement for special economic cooperation or a so-called framework agreement based on our needs. And here is the friendship that I have personally and here are the conversations that we had in the past period when we were in opposition and now that if we are the Government and the situation is as we expect that we will need support. And we got that support and now we are trying from within as much as we can to make it difficult, to provoke it because it was cheap, he pointed out.

Prime Minister Mickoski emphasized that, unlike the previous government, this loan will go transparently to the government session and to the Parliament, without first being smuggled in or sticking European flags.

And that will be part of a law that will pass in the Macedonian parliament. It will not be smuggled through a small door as a special law, so we will stick a European flag on it. But a very transparent procedure, a law passed at a government session, in Parliament. “We have saved 100 and a quarter million euros and now instead of us saying, ‘Allal, yes,’ we are saying, ‘Where did he get that money from now,'” said Prime Minister Mickoski.

When asked if there will be any additional demands from Hungary, Prime Minister Mickoski said:

So when we make an agreement, everything is put on the table. And are there any requirements? There is none here.

Prime Minister Mickoski is determined that with this the state will save over 100 million euros only on the basis of interest.

We save 100 and a half million euros only on the basis of interest, he stressed.