VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Rasela Mizrahi called on Prime Minister DImitar Kovacevski to resign, following his ugly insults aimed at another female member of Parliament, Beti Stamenkoska Trajkoska.




During a debate on the proposed Government reshuffle, Kovacevski called Stamenkoska “ugly”, according to representatives sitting next to him. Kovacevski claims that he merely unfavorably compared her looks to the looks of his wife. Mizrahi also called out Speaker Talat Xhaferi – who aimed threats at his staff and recently got into a shouting match and insulted the underage children of VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Igor Janusev, after Janusev pointed to the scandal in which Xhaferi’s son was fast-tracked to become a judge despite issues with his law diploma.




We have a code of ethics, and it should be used in the case of Xhaferi, and inahi the case of the Prime Minister, who used rhetoric toward a member of Parliament that would be grounds for resignation in a proper western country, Mizrahi said.