The primary focus of the meeting between Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Timcho Mucunski, and Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó, on Friday was to explore ways to support existing investments and attract new ones, according to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade (MFAFT).

This marked Minister Mucunski’s first official visit to Hungary.

“The meeting highlighted the importance of the strong friendship between the two countries, built on mutual trust and support, particularly in multilateral relations and economic cooperation. Both sides emphasized the need to continue developing these relations, with a special focus on supporting current investments and fostering new ones,” the release stated.

Minister Mucunski expressed his gratitude to Hungary for its ongoing support, including a recent loan and assistance in tackling wildfires. He also provided updates on the restructuring of the foreign ministry, now organized similarly to Hungary’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjártó reiterated Hungary’s full support for Macedonia’s European integration and emphasized that EU enlargement with Western Balkan countries would revitalize the Union. He confirmed Hungary’s continued backing for Macedonia’s accelerated integration, especially during Hungary’s EU presidency and beyond.

As part of his visit, Minister Mucunski also met with Deputy Speaker of Hungary’s National Assembly, István Jakab, who chairs the parliamentary Hungary-South-East-European Friendship Group. Their discussions focused on enhancing cooperation in sectors such as education, agriculture, and tourism.

Mucunski thanked Hungary for its ongoing support in the country’s EU accession process and partnership within NATO, while affirming the new government’s commitment to implementing European reforms.

Deputy Speaker Jakab praised the longstanding friendship between the two nations and expressed confidence that Hungary would remain a strong advocate for Macedonia’s full EU membership, particularly during its EU presidency.

During the visit, Elena Kuzmanovska, State Secretary in the MFAFT, met separately with Eszter Gyarmati, Hungary’s State Secretary for Public Administration. They discussed the reorganization of Macedonia’s foreign ministry and its transformation into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, according to the MFAFT press release.