Today marks one year since the fire in the modular hospital in Tetovo in which 14 people lost their lives, who were there for hospital treatment due to COVID-19. The fire broke out on September 8, 2021 at around 9 pm in the modular hospital.

After the fire, 14 deaths were confirmed, while 12 patients survived the fire and were hospitalized for several more days in other facilities of the hospital. At an extraordinary session, the Tetovo Municipality Council declared three days of mourning in the city, from September 9 to 11.

After the site of the fire was inspected, the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office of Tetovo conducted several expert examinations to determine the circumstances that caused the fire. Expert analyzes were made by the Ministry of the Interior, the Faculty of Technology, by an expert – an electrical engineer, as well as experts and investigators from the Federal Criminal Police of Germany.

In October 2021, after the expert opinion of the Ministry of the Interior, the Prosecutor’s Office informed that the fire in the modular building was caused by a burning extension cord, to which a defibrillator-reanimation device, a mobile phone charger and another device were connected.

The investigation, the collection of evidence and the submission of an indictment proposal to the Tetovo Basic Court lasted until July 27, 2022. The prosecutor’s office filed criminal charges against the two directors of the hospital, a doctor and the Clinical Hospital as a legal entity.

Судот на 16 август сооопшти за кои дела се осомничени двајцата директори, докторот како и Клиничката болница.

On August 16, the court announced the crimes for which the two directors, the doctor, and the Clinical Hospital are suspected.

The two first defendants, the directors Fljorin Besimi and Artan Etemi, are charged with having committed one crime each – Serious crimes against general security, the third defendant, doctor Boban Vucevski, with having committed a crime – Failure to comply with health regulations during an epidemic, while the accused legal entity for both crimes – Causing public danger and Failure to comply with health regulations during an epidemic, the court said on August 16.

On September 6 this year, Judge Jordan Velkovski scheduled the first hearing, which was immediately postponed to October 14 due to the absence of two of the defendants.