We believe that the measures are absolutely overdue, VMRO-DPMNE a month ago proposed measures that would mean that there is no such drastic increase in the price of diesel and gasoline, which goes to the highest limits ever seen in the country. Also the basic food products, here I mean bread, flour, oil, sugar, early vegetables, meat, meaning what are the basic products that are needed for the daily diet of a family go to prices that which are 3 to 4 times higher than the previous prices. Here, too, there is a huge blame on the government of SDSM and DUI, said Aleksandar Nikoloski, vice president of VMRO-DPMNE said on TV Alfa.

Nikoloski added that it is a fact that there is a war in Ukraine, it is a fact that there is a crisis, but that does not mean that other countries should suffer such consequences and that is why they took measures in time.

Macedonia is an agricultural country, Macedonia can produce enough food itself if it has a good organization, which unfortunately does not exist at the moment. And that is why these measures are only make up on the one hand, and on the other hand they do not want to give up filling the Budget. Because filling the budget after that means wasteful spending. For the fifth year, we have a SDSM-DUI government that did not build a kilometer of highway, did not build a bridge, no dam, no kilometer of railway in the country, no hospital. So nothing that would mean a large infrastructure project, and they spend four and a half billion euros every year, said Nikoloski.