The deadline for submitting presidential nominations in VMRO-DPMNE has ended. The full list of nominations will be revealed by February 5. The party’s Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski in an interview with Pressing TV did not want to reveal whether Professor Gordana Siljanovska was among the candidates for presidential nomination.

“It is essential for me VMRO-DPMNE to win the next presidential elections, I hope together with the early parliamentary elections, and in that sense VMRO-DPMNE must expand and unite as many categories and as many people it can, it is not enough to give support to only party base and party members, we must attract the supporters of VMRO-DPMNE, all those who are right centered or conservative, the undecided and those disappointed by SDSM’s rule. In my opinion, the profile for VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate should be a person who will unite all these structures and VMRO-DPMNE to win the presidential elections and Macedonia to have a president proposed by VMRO-DPMNE, because we see that this government has totally gone mad and if there is no control at least from the institution president of the state, then I do not know in what direction the state will go,” says Nikoloski.

Watch the whole interview on Pressing TV.