Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski warned on Friday that those who view crime as a lucrative profession will soon face disappointment and end up behind bars.

“We will fight, and we will win. Everyone should be aware of this,” PM Mickoski declared to reporters.

He mentioned that several groups are currently under surveillance in Skopje and other cities across the nation.

“We have identified three groups that, unfortunately, receive logistical support from within some prisons. These groups are involved in extortion, terrorism, racketeering, and other severe criminal activities. We know who they are, and I expect that crime will soon become unprofitable for them as well,” Mickoski stated.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the Government is dedicated to eradicating crime from every part of society, “whether it be on the streets, in institutions, or in positions of power. Crime must be defeated, and we will defeat it.”