“At the invitation of the Minister and the Director, we are witnessing truly impressive work here at the Digestive Clinic, which is not typically seen in state public healthcare. As the Minister mentioned, this facility is highly competitive, with conditions that could rival some private clinics,” emphasized Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski during his visit to the Clinic for Digestive Surgery.

“In the coming period, there will be many more positive developments in Macedonian healthcare.

We began our mandate with a visit to the clinical hospital in Shtip, where we announced the continuation of the project to complete the clinical hospital in Shtip and the hospital in Kichevo—two longstanding projects from the past that this government is determined to finish. If we succeed, we hope to replicate this success in the creation of a large clinical center, which has been promised for a long time but has never materialized.

As a government, we remain focused on these types of projects. We are gradually planning the budget for next year, prioritizing health and the services offered by public healthcare. This will continue to be our approach moving forward.

The era of clans and family businesses in healthcare, which have drained resources and compromised Macedonian healthcare, is coming to an end. Soon, there will be accountability for past actions. We see how these same groups are burdening clinics and hospitals with low-interest debts, thinking they can profit off the backs of patients. This will not happen, I promise you.

Once again, I congratulate both the Minister and the Director, and I hope to see many more projects like this in the future, because our patients deserve it.”