State prosecutors have decided not to file charges against Dragi Raskovski, one of closest associates of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Raskovski was recorded on tape, apparently by an official of the M-NAV air traffic control agency, instructing him on which bid to accept in a major procurement deal involving radars and other equipment. Raskovski is heard on the tape saying that the bid from the Italian Leonardo company should be accepted even though he is told that there are legal issues with it.

The contract is worth 7 million EUR provided by the Europea EBRD bank. On top of the influence peddling, Raskovski was heard on the tape using vile slurs against Italians, Maltese and all equatorial nations.

The news site reports that prosecutors have looked into the case, but have determined there are no grounds to file charges. This was confirmed to the news site. This is just the latest in the numerous scandals linked to the Zaev regime that are left unprosecuted. Raskovski, a professor at the Skopje Law Faculty, was until recently Secretary General in Zaev’s Government and besides this case, was linked to several other major corruption scandals.