Rebalancing of the Budget in the second half of July, six billion denars for 150 municipal projects, Mickoski announced
Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said tonight that if everything goes as it should, there will be a rebalancing of the state budget in the second half of July.

If everything goes as it should, in the second half of July there will be a rebalancing in the Parliament and in the first half of August there will be a call to the municipalities to cooperate with the projects. According to what I discussed with the Minister of Finance, there is a great possibility that six billion denars will be distributed to the municipalities for projects that are ready. Tomorrow we have a meeting and we will work on this problem, Mickoski announced in the first interview after the election of the new Government given to TV 24.

Mickoski explained that over 150 projects could be implemented with these six billion denars.

These are projects important to the citizens and are included in the projects of the mayors, and those programs won the elections in 2021 and we appreciate that they should be supported. We are talking about boulevards, sewage and water supply systems, schools…

In the interview, he announced the investment for the wind park, which will be officially announced tomorrow, and will bring 100 million euros more income in the gross domestic product. The Prime Minister clarified that it is a project in the field of energy, which will produce electricity from the Macedonian wind. He says the country will get an energy balance, that is, as much as will be produced, will be consumed.

Tomorrow we are promoting a significant project in the field of energy, between 400 and 450 million euros. I use this opportunity to give important information that with the production of electricity from the Macedonian wind, we will get an energy balance, that is, as much as we produce as much as we consume, without having special laws at the moment. It is about an investment of 400 to 450 million euros and an additional 100 million euros in gross domestic product, Mickoski said in an interview with TV 24.

He added that the structure of that investment fund includes the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, the International Financial Corporation, as well as structural funds from Germany and the United States.

In that investment fund are the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, the International Finance Corporation, there are German structural funds, there are American structural funds, something that has not been seen in this part of Europe, this type of investment will happen in Macedonia. I would like to continue the partnership, so why not provide financial means to build Chebren ourselves, Mickoski said.

The project for the development of a wind park in the country is an investment of Alcazar Energy worth over 500 million dollars. The wind park will be built between the three municipalities, Karbinci, Shtip and Radovish.