The Kovacevski Government yesterday denied media reports that it is sending an unqualified journalist as consul to New York. But it did not deny the report of a crony appointment of the son of a pro-Government commentator as consul to Chicago.

Petrit Musliu is the son of Albert Musliu, businessman and commentator who is an outspoken supporter of SDSM. The Muslius have a family tie to SDSM member of Parliament Darko Kaevski. The association of depositors to the now failed Eurostandard Bank have said that Musliu took over 700,000 EUR in credits from the bank and failed to return them, putting him on the list of businessmen close to SDSM who participated in the collapse of the bank.

What criteria did the Government employ when it chose the new consul to Chicago? Was it his father’s outspoken defense of SDSM and DUI? It is an embarrassment that Kovacevski is silent over the scandals that reveal how the diplomacy is ran by SDSM and DUI amateurs, the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party said in a statement.