Every politician should bear responsibility for what he declares. Such statements are not European and do not at all go in favor of such a beautiful event as this one today, said the Minister of Culture Bisera Kostadinovska-Stojcevska at today’s opening of the Cultural and Information Center of Bulgaria in Skopje, answering a journalist’s question regarding the irredentist statements of the Bulgarian MP and leader of the nationalist party Prerodba, Kostadin Kostadinov.

Kostadinov, who attended today’s opening of the Bulgarian Cultural and Information Center, said at the beginning of this month that “Macedonia is the second Bulgarian state on the Balkan Peninsula” and advocated “unification” of the country with Bulgaria.

Prerodba is working on the unification of the two Bulgarian state formations into one common state. The path to this unification is complete economic, cultural and political integration, which will lead to the restoration of the broken unity of the Bulgarian nation and will make Bulgaria the largest and strongest country in Southeast Europe, Kostadinov said on that occasion.