The reservation of Macedonian citizens towards European integration is increasing as a result of the conditions that Bulgaria sets for Macedonia’s membership in the EU. One-third of respondents in the survey conducted by the Market Vision agency do not see any perspective in EU integration. Almost half of the respondents believe that they should not accept the conditions under which the continuation of the EU integration process is offered.


Out of 1,200 respondents to the telephone survey, 29 percent support the French proposal for the way Macedonia should start negotiations with the EU. More than 22 percent answered that they did not understand the French proposal. Only half of the respondents declared that they know and understand the French proposal.


The majority of the respondents who know and those who do not know and understand the French proposal consider that this proposal contains conditions that should not be accepted.

A large part of the respondents answered that none of the parties (24.9%) had an acceptable attitude towards the Bulgarian demands and did not offer an adequate solution to this problem. 39.8 percent of the surveyed citizens say that they do not know which party to single out with a clear and unequivocal attitude regarding the Bulgarian conditions. 10.6 percent of respondents answered that SDSM has the most acceptable solution, and for 9.1 percent of respondents it is VMRO-DPMNE.