VMRO-DPMNE is starting a procedure for a mandatory referendum with the aim of canceling the agreement with Bulgaria signed by SDSM, which is the root of all negations, the party says.

The EC of the party made a decision to approach the collection of 100 signatures for a citizens’ initiative, the first signatory of which will be the president of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski and the leadership, after which the deadlines for collecting 150,000 signatures, in order to organize the Referendum, will begin to run.

The referendum question, which was adopted after long consultations with experts, coalition partners and party bodies, will read: Are you in favor of abandoning the importance of the LAW ON THE RATIFICATION OF THE AGREEMENT ON FRIENDSHIP, GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD AND COOPERATION BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA AND THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA published in the Official Gazette No. 12 /2018 from 18.01.2018?


This agreement is the root of all problems, and the beginning of the negation of the Macedonian language, identity and history, said the opposition party.