The renowned website and social network Europe Elects reports on the latest IPIS survey in which VMRO-DPMNE has an advantage of 11% over SDSM, and Hristijan Mickoski 12% over Dimitar Kovacevski.

Europe Elects is a reliable and established media specialized in publishing public opinion surveys related to ratings of parties and politicians from the entire European continent, which represents a kind of additional confirmation of the relevance of the results of the IPIS poll from 20.10.2023.

According to the results of the survey, if parliamentary elections were held next week, 20.3% would vote for VMRO-DPMNE, and 11.3% for SDSM. Unlike the Macedonian one, in the Albanian opposition block, a close race is predicted. Alternative, BESA and the Democratic Movement of Mejiti, together enjoy a trust of 5.1%, which is almost the same rating as the ruling DUI.