The government bears direct responsibility for the monstrous system of stealing cancer therapy from sick people, implemented at the Oncology Clinic in Skopje. Kovachevski and his government should not deceive the public with some “multiethnic and multicultural” crime but give specific answers as to why the robbery of cytostatics and cancer therapies started immediately upon the introduction of the new, expensive therapies?”, VMRO-DPMNE asked on Monday.

Why did the ex-manager of the Clinic, Nino Vasev, an SDSM cadre, cancel the CATO system for monitoring the therapy, and reinstated the old one, which is intransparent and allows for abuses?

What was the business director Hehat Nuhi’s, a DUI cadre, role in the purchase of the cytostatics and the distribution to the patients, and why wasn’t he replaced despite the fact that the Clinic was drowning in debt? Who allowed for a nurse to be caught in robbery twice, and still be reinstated to her previous job? Did the MoI and the Public Prosecution conceal the case and requalified it into a more benign offense, to save the perpetrators from responsibility?

Why did Venko Filipche and his successors, Bekim Sali and Fatmir Mexhiti remain silent about the obvious abuses and violations at the Oncology Clinic, despite that VMRO-DPMNE, the media, the citizens, even the State Audit Bureau were warning about the crime for two years? Does that mean that the highest officials in the health system deliberately allowed this crime at the cancer patients’ expense?

Where did Kovachevski get the information that the perpetrators of this scandal were “multicultural”? Is he influencing the investigation, trying to contaminate it for some reason? Do they expect the people to trust that the same Public Prosecutor, who covered up the cases of Besa Trans, Durmo Tours, and the Tetovo prefabricated hospital, assigning the guilt to an extension cord, to conduct an unbiased investigation for this case?

We need resignations and responsibility now! Both criminal and political, VMRO-DPMNE concludes.