The idea advocated by factions close to SDSM, suggesting a boycott of the second round of the presidential elections to prevent Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova’s victory, is highly concerning. By entertaining such a possibility, SDSM supporters reveal a prioritization of party interests over the welfare of the state.

There’s limited awareness among citizens regarding the potential boycott of the presidential elections, with some unsure if it’s possible to boycott them alongside parliamentary elections. However, it’s feasible since they’re separate processes, allowing citizens to abstain from voting for the presidency while participating in parliamentary elections.

The passage explains the voter turnout required for a successful presidential election and speculates on the impact of SDSM and Albanian party voters’ participation. It also discusses the uncertainty surrounding constitutional and electoral procedures in the event of a failed election, including the lack of a clear deadline for re-election.

It emphasizes the importance of voter participation and warns of potential consequences if the presidential elections fail, suggesting it could be the last time the head of state is elected by popular vote. The conclusion urges everyone to vote in the upcoming elections.