President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova made a visit to New Jersey during her stay in the United States, where she attended the 79th United Nations General Assembly. In Totova, she visited the “St. Nicholas” church, attending the liturgy for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. While there, she met with representatives of the Macedonian diaspora in New Jersey.

During the meeting, President Siljanovska Davkova shared her plans to establish a Council for Cooperation with the Diaspora. “It is no coincidence that I am here with you today. I believe you are our best ambassadors, representing the homeland in the most positive way, irrespective of religious beliefs. This is why maintaining regular contact is crucial. One of the initiatives I will soon undertake is the formation of a Council for Cooperation with the Diaspora,” she stated.

The president also stressed the importance of allowing the diaspora to engage in the electoral process and have a voice in shaping significant decisions and legislation. “This will be the first step towards ongoing communication with our diaspora. Your advice, support, and understanding are invaluable. We must always remember that your home is also our home,” she added.

Later, in Freehold, President Siljanovska Davkova visited the “Debar” mosque and met with Omer Qadri and other members of the diaspora from the Debar region. In these discussions, she was informed about their activities, their integration within American society, and how they organize as a community. President Siljanovska Davkova reaffirmed her commitment to strengthening connections with expatriates, harnessing their potential, and enhancing their contributions to the nation’s progress and development.