The director of the Customs Administration, Boban Nikolovski, says that the revenues collected by the Customs Administration for the third month are higher than last year, which shows that the discipline is at a high level.

As Nikolovski informs, soon the system for video surveillance and recognition of license plates will be put into operation, which will recognize persons, vehicles, will alert for suspicious movements, but also when there is a load on the lanes at the border crossings. At the same time, customs officials at five border crossings are expected to be equipped with body cameras very soon.

Nikolovski, in the Diary of Macedonian Radio Television, emphasized that top professionals work in the Customs Administration, and for those who do not show results, as he said, there will be no forgiveness.

In August, 18 disciplinary procedures were initiated. The customs policy according to the priorities of the Government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, is based on two pillars – economic transformation and suppression of crime and corruption. According to the set priorities, several projects and reform policies are currently being intensively worked on, said Nikolovski.

In addition to the video surveillance system, Nikolovski says that intensive work is being done to start the terminal automation project with a grant from the EU, which will significantly contribute to speeding up transport and facilitating trade. The project involves replacing the existing scales with digital ones, as well as digital ramps. At the same time, work is already underway to harmonize the shifts with the Food and Veterinary Agency. In the area of ​​crime suppression, the cooperation with the Bureau of Public Security has been improved, and the exchange of data and, more importantly, their matching, has been agreed with the IRS.

Electronic data exchange has been agreed with the State Statistics Office and the National Bank, which is also being worked on intensively.

In order to strengthen partnership relations with the business community, after a break of two years, the Advisory Body has been reactivated, where the Chambers of Commerce and associations are members in addition to the Customs Administration. These are only a part of the initiated activities, with Director Nikolovski saying that he will seek specific results that will be visible and measurable through increasing the competitiveness of the Macedonian economy and suppressing crime and corruption.