Tag: ademi
Macedonia 08.05.24 | 20:00

Ademi: The election process went smoothly and without incidents

Arber Ademi from DUI emphasized at a press conference tonight that the ballot boxes are already closed. According to him, the voting process took place smoothly and without incidents. The victory is ours, to all those who said “no” to Russia, “yes” to Europe – said Ademi. To...

Macedonia 27.02.24 | 20:33

Ademi: Demand that the parliament continue to hold elections for president during the process of forming a government

DUI Vice-President and spokesperson, Arbr Ademi, declared on Tuesday that the party’s insistence on electing the country’s President in the Parliament will persist throughout the government formation process. “This demand will endure after the presidential runoff, beyond the parliamentary...

Macedonia 17.01.24 | 19:10

The Judicial Council concludes the process of determining the accountability of Supreme Court President Ademi

On Wednesday, the Judicial Council reached a decision with seven affirmative votes to conclude the proceedings regarding the accountability of Supreme Court President Besa Ademi. The Council members cast their votes on a motion presented by member Miljazim Mustafa, aiming to ascertain Ademi’s responsibility...

Macedonia 03.09.23 | 09:48

Eljmedin Ademi’s wife is also a major donor to the DUI party

Investigating the scandalous contract awarded by the Foreign Ministry to the Eurovia company revealed that both the company owner, and his wife, donated to the ruling DUI party. Eljmedin Ademi, son of late DUI official Abdulakim Ademi, was the biggest donor to DUI for 2022, and has received a number...

Macedonia 31.08.23 | 19:50

DUI’s favorite contractor Ademi spends the money from public contracts on yachts and expensive wardrobe

Eljmedi Ademi, head of the Eurovia company that keeps winning major public contracts due to its close relationship with the ruling DUI party, is known in the public for his lavish lifestyle. The nephew of former top DUI official Abdulakim Ademi is often filmed in pricey wardrobe, and on yachts. He became...

Macedonia 27.08.23 | 20:30

Anti-Corruption Commission will investigate the OSCE conference scandal involving Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani

The State Anti-Corruption Commission will investigate how a company from Zelino, linked to the DUI party, won a major contract from Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani (DUI). The Eurovia company, owned by Eljmedin Ademi, nephew of former top DUI official Abdulakim Ademi, won the 1.8 million EUR contract to...

Macedonia 24.08.23 | 19:49

Company linked to DUI wins large OSCE related contract

The Eurovia company from Zhelino, owned by relative of the once powerful DUI party and Government official Abdulakim Ademi, received a contract to prepare an OSCE conference in Skopje. The contract is awarded by Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani – who of course comes from the DUI party – as Macedonia...

Macedonia 18.07.23 | 21:49

DUI confirms that the majority lost three votes in Parliament

Arbr Ademi, coordinator of the DUI party group in Parliament, confirmed that two of its representatives have left the group. These are Izet Mexhiti and Merita Kolchi Koxhaxhiku, who are part of the so-called Fire Group faction. Another member of Parliament, Kastriot Rexhepi, who sat with SDSM, is also...

Macedonia Sport 28.12.20 | 09:11

Ademi believes Macedonia can advance beyond the EP group stage

Arijan Ademi, the Dinamo Zagreb captain who is one of the best midfielders of the Macedonian team, believes that we can get past the group stage of the European Championship. In its historic, first ever European Championship, Macedonia was put in a group with Holland, Ukraine and Austria. I honestly...

Macedonia 18.12.20 | 09:00

Other EU member states also stand with Macedonia against Bulgaria, Zaev’s adviser says

One of Zaev’s advisers, Edmond Ademi, insisted that besides Slovakia and the Czech Republic, other EU member states also support Macedonia in the dispute with Bulgaria. Slovakia and the Czech Republic blocked the proposed enlargement conclusions after Bulgaria inserted clauses that would block Macedonia’s...

Macedonia Sport 01.10.20 | 22:57

Ademi scores for Dinamo in its 3:1 win over Flora

Macedonian national team player Arian Ademi midfielder scored a goal for the Croatian Dinamo Zagreb team in its 3:1 win over the Estoanian Flora in the Europa League. Dinamo was not very convincing in its game, but was good enough to solidly defeat the Estonian team. Both teams entered the Europa League...

Macedonia 29.08.20 | 19:02

Albanian parties argue if the new Government advances Albanian interests enough

During the afternoon portion of the Parliament session where a vote is scheduled to be held on the proposed new Government, ethnic Albanian representatives fought over whether the proposal advances Albanian national interests enough. Skender Rexhepi from the Alliance of Albanians mocked the ruling DUI...

Macedonia 14.08.20 | 12:02

Committee of health experts delivers its final report – they propose online education for grades 4 and above

The Infectious Diseases Committee made what it called its final recommendation for the start of the school year. Under it, pupils from the first three elementary grades would attend in-person education, under the idea that direct contact with other children is important for their early development. ...

Macedonia 12.08.20 | 14:05

Unsure what to do, Government mulls postponing the start of the school year

Education Minister Arbr Ademi opened the prospect of postponing the start of the school year as the interim Government is undecided over how to approach the coronavirus crisis. The Committee on Infectious Diseases proposed that the classes, scheduled to start on September 1, are held online for all but...

Macedonia 12.08.20 | 10:44

Education Minister Ademi counters healthcare experts, wants teaching to resume in person

Education Minister Arbr Ademi said that the position of his department is that students should begin attended in-person education at the start of the new year on September 1. The statement comes after the Committee on Infectious Diseases proposed that classes continue under the improvised online system,...

Macedonia 07.08.20 | 16:53

Education Ministry plans to reopen schools on September 1

School will open on September 1, said Education Minister Arber Ademi. He insisted that the schools will be ready to hold classes with the necessary coronavirus precautions, and that the protocols meant to reduce the spread have been reviewed and approved. Macedonia remains in the midst of a major Second...

Macedonia 29.05.20 | 09:36

Minister Ademi: It’s possible schools don’t reopen in September

Education Minister Arbr Ademi said that schools may not reopen in September, as online learning has replaced traditional education for the past three months. Ademi said that even with the lifting of the evening curfew and the relaxation of other restrictions, schools will not open for the remainder of...

Macedonia 29.04.20 | 18:05

Education Minister Ademi claims many households are falsely stating they don’t have any IT devices in order to receive benefits

Education Minister Arbr Ademi insists that many households are falsely reporting that they lack access to computers and reliable internet and can’t have their children follow the online lectures. Most schools across Macedonia are organizing online education for their pupils, but many households...

Macedonia 19.03.20 | 15:03

Online university lectures begin next week

University students in Macedonia will resume their lectures, interrupted by the coronavirus, through online courses, the Education Ministry announced today. Minister Arbr Ademi said that online teaching will begin next week. Schools and universities have been closed for over a week now. There are still...

Macedonia 23.01.20 | 21:27

SDSM is the second largest Albanian party in Macedonia, Ademi says

SDSM party official Edmond Ademi declared his party as the second largest party for ethnic Albanians in Macedonia. SDSM has been courting the Albanian vote since 2016, as it continues to lose ethnic Macedonian voters by a growing margin to VMRO-DPMNE. I am an Albanian who is a Minister from SDSM, the...
