DUI Vice-President and spokesperson, Arbr Ademi, declared on Tuesday that the party’s insistence on electing the country’s President in the Parliament will persist throughout the government formation process.

“This demand will endure after the presidential runoff, beyond the parliamentary elections, and during the government formation phase. We perceive this as a forward-thinking proposal, contributing to budgetary savings and alleviating public exhaustion from signature collection and election campaigns. Given our parliamentary democracy, electing the President in the Parliament would be a logical choice,” stated Ademi.

He argued that it is not progressive to reserve a state office exclusively for one ethnic community without considering the requisite qualifications.

“Why wouldn’t it be progressive for the President to be elected in the Parliament, aligning with practices in other parliamentary democracies? A successful presidential election demands significant effort, particularly in both rounds of voting,” Ademi remarked.

He further asserted that electing the President in the Parliament would ensure societal consensus, as MPs are elected by the citizens, and a Badinter majority would secure interethnic agreement.

“The legitimacy of a President elected in this manner would be far higher than if elected by 41-42 percent of the total number of voters on the Electoral Roll,” Ademi concluded.