Tag: albanians
Macedonia 06.05.24 | 20:10

Scaremongering: Pendarovski warns of ethnic tensions if he is not re-elected

Doubling down on his push to get the Albanian votes – his only possible path to victory, outgoing President Stevo Pendarovski warned that Macedonia faces ethnic tensions if his opponent Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova from VMRO-DPMNE wins. The candidates, in their final pre-election debate,...

Macedonia 06.05.24 | 19:37

Pendarovski calls on Albanians and other ethnic groups to support him, Siljanovska responds that citizens vote as individuals

During the final presidential debate, outgoing President Stevo Pendarovski again expressed hope that he can overcome the huge first round advantage by the VMRO-DPMNE candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova with the help of the Albanian votes. To this, Siljanovsk are responded that its citizens,...

Macedonia 14.04.24 | 18:36

Culev responds to Pendarovski’s claim that he was the first to hire Albanians to sensitive security positions

Former interim Interior Minister Nake Culev dismissed remarks from SDSM presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski, that Albanians were heavily discriminated against in hiring in the security services. Pendarovski named an ethnic Albanian, Erold Musliu, as head of the AR intelligence agency, and insisted...

Macedonia 30.12.23 | 19:18

Government plans to hire ethnic Albanians in towns where none live

The Macedonian Forests utility company issued a bid for new lumberjacks, and the call includes an ethnic quota. Even in municipalities where there are no Albanians, the company plans to hire ethnic Albanians as workers. For example, in Berovo, the call is for 12 ethnic Albanians to be hired. Similar...

Macedonia 27.08.23 | 10:40

Maricic: VMRO won’t win the next elections, and won’t be able to form the next Government

Deputy Prime Minister Bojan Maricic insists that, despite the polls, VMRO-DPMNE will not win the coming elections, and therefore should agree on adopting the Bulgarian amendments to the Constitution. In the SDSM party, Maricic has been a proponent of forming a pre-election coalition with DUI and possibly...

Macedonia 13.06.23 | 08:40

The parents of the ethnic Albanian students rebelled against Macedonian names in the textbooks’ examples

The parents of the children who study in Albanian language revolted because in the new textbooks there are examples with Macedonian names, as Yane, Igor, Yovanka, etc., instead of Albanian names. They asked for an answer from the Minister f Education Jeton Shaqiri, who tried to appease the parents claiming...

Macedonia 31.03.23 | 18:27

Serbian media: The Balkan Quad will be a step toward Greater Albania

Serbian media outlets are responding to the creation of a group of Balkan countries that will align their foreign policy with the EU – the so called Quad – that will include Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro. Republika.rs announces the move as another step towards creation of a Greater...

Macedonia 05.03.23 | 20:33

Ethnic Albanians still trust the diplomats to influence the judiciary, while Macedonians are giving up on the idea

Poll conducted by the Institute for poltiical research shows that ethnic Albanians have significantly higher levels of trust in the western diplomats and their involvement in the judiciary in Macedonia. According to the poll, 47.8 percent of the citizens believe that foreign diplomats should be involved...

Macedonia 07.01.23 | 15:13

Edi Rama is convening a meeting of Albanian leaders from Macedonia in Tirana

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama summoned the leaders of the political parties in Macedonia to Tirana. Their meeting is scheduled for January 10th. The last time Rama staged something similar was in 2016, when he presided over the so-called Tirana Platform – it meant that Albanian parties in Macedonia...

Macedonia 27.11.22 | 18:21

Edi Rama lists bilingualism in Macedonia as a major achievement for the Albanian national cause

As the Parliaments of Albania and Kosovo are holding a joint session to mark the 110th anniversary of Albanian independence, Prime Minister Edi Rama hailed the great accomplishments for the Albanian nation in the region. In this, he included Macedonia, mainly the introduction of the Albanian language...

Macedonia 16.09.22 | 12:20

The state administration will be filled with Albanians from the diaspora!?

In state institutions and ministries, the preparations for harmonizing employment along ethnic lines began after the Minister of Information Society and Administration, Admirim Aliti, created a new balancer. A letter from the ministry has reached the institutions, which states that in the employment...

Macedonia 11.02.22 | 11:36

Parliament appoints 16 new deputy ministers – 10 of them are ethnic Albanians

With 63 votes in favor and 35 opposed, the Parliament voted in 16 deputy ministers for the Kovacevski Government. Ten of them are ethnic Albanians, mostly from the DUI party. An oddity in the list is the Foreign Ministry, which was never led by ethnic Albanians, until the 2020 appointment of Bujar Osmani...

Macedonia 31.10.21 | 20:37

Slaveski: Low Albanian turnout means SDSM can’t win in Skopje

Trajko Slaveski from VMRO-DPMNE said that, while votes are still counted in Skopje, the dismal turnout in majority Albanian parts of the city means that Danela Arsovska will be the new Mayor. The only areas where her opponent, incumbent Mayor Petre Silegov won in the first round, were the Albanian majority...

Macedonia 12.10.21 | 22:16

Mickoski: Zaev doesn’t have a real inter-ethnic coalition at the local level

This is the first election when the two main parties in Macedonia have an ethnic Albanian partner – SDSM is allied with DUI and BESA, while VMRO competes together with the Alliance of Albanians and Alternative. These coalitions will prove crucial in te race for the capital Skopje between incumbent...

Macedonia 28.09.21 | 16:55

VMRO-DPMNE calls on ethnic Albanian voters to support the opposition

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski called on the voters to turn out in large numbers and to vote out the SDSM candidates in the coming local elections, as the only sure way to put an end to the Zaev regime. Mickoski was speaking at the first campaign rally of the party, which traditionally takes...

Macedonia 27.09.21 | 20:55

VMRO-DPMNE calls on ethnic Albanian voters to support the opposition

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski called on the voters to turn out in large numbers and to vote out the SDSM candidates in the coming local elections, as the only sure way to put an end to the Zaev regime. Mickoski was speaking at the first campaign rally of the party, which traditionally takes...

Macedonia 19.07.21 | 17:02

Government event to promote Albanian contributions toward Macedonia’s independence

The Zaev Government plans to use the coming 30th anniversary of Macedonia’s independence to celebrate the contributions of the Albanian nation toward Macedonian statehood. The Government is hiring dozens of groups, many of them linked to the ruling SDSM party, to stage various events for the anniversary....

Macedonia 12.06.21 | 12:56

Public healthcare fund is hiring Albanians in cities which have none

The FZOM public healthcare fund is hiring ethnic minorities, especially Albanians, in cities that don’t have Albanian communities. A recently published ad has job openings for ethnic Albanians in Gevgelija, Delcevo and Berovo. The cities are in the far east and south-east of Macedonia and have no Albanians...

Macedonia 24.03.21 | 10:34

Imam in Germany also included in registering Albanians in the census: This is how the census modeled by Zaev, Filipce and Simovski is conducted

The diaspora census came down to census of Albanians. Most of the 130,000 registered so far outside Macedonia are ethnic Albanians because Macedonians are boycotting the census. Highest registration has been recorded in Switzerland, Germany and Italy, and there is a mass boycott among Macedonians living...

Macedonia 02.03.21 | 18:25

Prosecutors ask that three Albanian protesters are detained after attacking police officers and injuring a journalist on Friday

Prosecutors have requested the court to order detention for three of the protesters who charged police officer lines during the large Albanian protests on Friday. The protests were held against the sentencing of a group of Albanian islamists who carried out the 2012 Good Friday massacre, kiling four...
