Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 07.05.20 | 16:05

The Zagreb Declaration turns Bulgaria’s demands for concessions from Macedonia into collective EU demands

Article 9 of the Declaration adoped after the online Zagreb summit of the European Union reveals that, as Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said, all EU member states will stand behind Bulgaria as it demands concessions from Macedonia. In his heated post-summit comments, Borisov warned Macedonia...

Macedonia 07.05.20 | 10:39

For Macedonia, Bulgaria is the new Greece

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov gave the clearest indication yet that his country will veto Macedonia’s EU accession path unless his 2017 treaty with Zoran Zaev is respected in full. Borisov made his heated remarks on Wednesday evening, following the online EU – Balkans summit organized...

Macedonia 05.05.20 | 15:40

Mickoski: The Macedonian language and nation have endured worse trials and threats to our existence

The Macedonian nation and language have endured worse trials than those we are faced with today and we will continue to persevere, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski in his letter on the day of the Macedonian language – May 5. The centuries of our existence and of the uniqueness of the...

Macedonia 05.05.20 | 14:03

EU official says the Union will work to resolve the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria

The MIA news agency quotes an unnamed EU official saying that the Union will help resolve the growing dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria. Bulgarian officials are announcing they will block the opening of accession talks with Macedonia unless the concessions agreed in the 2017 Zaev – Borisov...

Macedonia 04.05.20 | 22:42

Sela rejects Pendarovski’s warning that Macedonia may give up its EU integration, claims that the Albanian language is discriminated against

Ziadin Sela, the leader of the Alliance of Albanians, wrote an open letter to President Stevo Pendarovski strongly condemning his position that, if Macedonians are forced to give up their national identity and language in negotiations with Bulgaria, the country should give up its EU accession. Like...

Macedonia 04.05.20 | 22:27

Gruevski: You’re naive if you think that the Bulgarian demands will end with the Macedonian language and history

Macedonia resembles a village with no guard dogs, and it’s natural that this will encourage propaganda from other countries, said former Prime Minister and VMRO leader Nikola Gruevski, in his remarks regarding the latest dispute with Bulgaria. Tensions have risen between Macedonia and Bulgaria...

Macedonia 04.05.20 | 12:40

Zaev: We must complete and implement the Agreement with Bulgaria

The Macedonian language is incorporated in the United Nations, it is recognized by all, it is our identity. This issue has been brought to the surface again by nationalist motives. I would not be honest if I did not say that through the chapters, through the negotiations we must complete and resolve...

Macedonia 02.05.20 | 15:25

Nikoloski: Does Zaev agree that we do not speak Macedonian language?

In the past two weeks, it has become clear that Macedonia’s European integration is facing a major obstacle, VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski said Saturday, adding that Bulgaria’s document, which conditions the country’s integration and moving forward on the EU path, is...

Macedonia 30.04.20 | 16:03

Greek media gleefully report on Denko Maleski’s positions

After a number of Bulgarian media outlets, now Greek media are also now happily reporting the statements from Denko Maleski, as he claimed that the Macedonian history is fabricated and that Macedonians originate from Bulgarians. Skopjiani media meltdown as ex-FM says “we are actually Bulgarian,...

Macedonia 30.04.20 | 12:13

Pendarovski does not agree with Denko Maleski’s position on Bulgaria but will keep him as his foreign policy adviser

The office of President Stevo Pendarovski issued a statement in which he distances himself from the positions of his foreign policy adviser Denko Maleski – who said that Macedonian history was falsified and needs to be aligned with the Bulgarian historic narrative. But Pendarovski did not announce...

Macedonia 29.04.20 | 22:30

President Pendarovski won’t say whether he agrees with his adviser Maleski’s claim that the Macedonian history was falsified

President Stevo Pendarovski is yet to comment on the growing controversy over his foreign policy adviser Denko Maleski, who declared that much of Macedonia’s history was falsified to create a nation separate from the Bulgarian. Maleski, who was once a die-hard opponent of Macedonia’s independence...

Macedonia 28.04.20 | 13:09

VMRO: Bulgaria is taking advantage of Zaev’s corruption to push positions that undermine the Macedonian nation

VMRO-DPMNE called for a meeting of party leaders to discuss the political crisis and the coronavirus response, but also the latest announcements from Bulgaria regarding Macedonia’s hoped for opening of EU accession talks. VMRO blames SDSM of concealing the statement Bulgaria appended to the conclusions...

Macedonia 28.04.20 | 12:18

Macedonia’s first Foreign Minister Denko Maleski says the country should review its history in line with the Bulgarian historical narrative

The first Macedonian Foreign Minister Denko Maleski, who was a strong contender to be the SDSM presidential candidate in the 2019 elections, published an editorial in which he agrees with the Bulgarian position that Macedonians and Bulgarians “were the same people”. The editorial was published...

Macedonia 27.04.20 | 22:42

Milososki: The Parliament lost its mandate when it voted to dissolve

VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki said that holding elections in June or July would be a serious health risk. The ruling SDSM party is trying to recall the dissolved Parliament in a move which prompted speculations that SDSM will try hold “corona elections”, before the epidemic has been...

Macedonia 26.04.20 | 20:42

Pop Arsov: Instead of EU accession, we are pushed to redefine the Macedonian identity

Former member of Parliament and Macedonian Ambassador to the Council of Europe Petar Pop Arsov warns that the long-awaited push for opening EU accession talks is leading toward a redefinition of the Macedonian nation. Pop Arsov wrote an editorial after the publication of the list of Bulgarian conditions...

Macedonia 25.04.20 | 12:17

Donev: Zaev and Dimitrov have one goal – to uninstall the Macedonian nation

Zoran Zaev and Nikola Dimitrov were brought to power in Macedonia with the purpose of removing the Macedonian nation and language, professor Jovan Donev told Republika in an interview. The international law professor and former Macedonian Ambassador to the United Kingdom spoke to Republika at a time...

Macedonia 25.04.20 | 11:07

Kovatchev tells Zaev and Dimitrov that Bulgaria expects full implementation of the treaty they signed

Bulgarian member of the European Parliament Andrey Kovatchev confirmed that Bulgaria will request full and strict application of the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty before allowing Macedonia to advance its EU accession talks. Bulgaria appended a statement to the recent decision of the European Council...

Macedonia 24.04.20 | 15:50

EU confirms that Bulgaria’s request for Macedonia has been included in the final conclusion

The European Union made a statement on Bulgaria’s request that the start of Macedonia’s negotiations be conditioned with giving up the Macedonian language and minority. Peter Stano, EU foreign policy spokesman told “Republika” that the Council had decided to open accession negotiations...

Macedonia 24.04.20 | 12:52

Austrian Parliament publishes the EU document in which Bulgaria requires our country to give up Macedonian language and minority

The Austrian Parliament’s website has published the official documents regarding the EU enlargement and the March 25 conclusions on the date for negotiations for Macedonia and Albania. According to these documents, it is clear that Bulgaria’s request has become part of the EU enlargement...

Macedonia 24.04.20 | 10:18

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev, Dimitrov Spasovski and Sekerinska enter a project for redefining, creating a new so-called North Macedonian nation

Zaev, Dimitrov, Sekerinska, Spasovski and other corrupt and incompetent SDSM officials pose a risk to Macedonia, the Macedonian people, language and everything that is an identity determinant. They are a serious danger as long as they are in power, VMRO-DPMNE reacts. With them, all these lasting values...
