Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 18.10.22 | 09:47

Mickoski: Bulgaria treats Macedonia the same as Russia treats Ukraine

Regarding the canonization of educator Kiril Pejcinovic and the reactions in Bulgaria, the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, says that “serious attempts are being made to deny the authentic struggle of Pejcinovic for Macedonia and our people and identity”. They want to portray...

Macedonia 15.10.22 | 12:18

Nikoloski calls on the security services to investigate the opening of divisive Bulgarian cultural centers in Macedonia

VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski accused the security services of wiretapping and persecuting the opposition in Macedonia, and asked them to investigate the recent spate of openings of Bulgarian cultural centers in the country, which are named after Nazi collaborators. The move, openly...

Macedonia 14.10.22 | 18:15

Professor Cepreganov: The foundations of the Macedonian state were laid on October 11th 1941

Historian Todor Cepreganov responded to comments from Bulgarian member of the European Parliament Aleksandar Yordanov, over October 11th, the day when Macedonia marks the start of the anti-fascist partisan struggle in the Second World War. Bulgaria dismisses the struggle, as it was aimed against its...

Macedonia 14.10.22 | 11:13

Bulgarian politicians did not discuss removing the Macedonian Ambassador from the inaugural meeting of the new Parliament

Contrary to earlier reports, political parties in Bulgaria did not discuss whether to disinvite Macedonian Ambassador Agneza Rusi Popovska from the first session of the newly elected Parliament. The parties did decide not to invite the ambassadors of Russia and Belarus. But the Democratic Bulgaria party...

Macedonia 12.10.22 | 19:05

It’s no longer a coincidence: The authorities are censoring lyrics from songs for the second time, and the anthem is being sung more and more often without the part with Goce Delcev and the Ilinden people

What could be sensed from the signing of the Good Neighborhood Agreement between Macedonia and Bulgaria is beginning to be realized in action. Macedonia will not be allowed to celebrate its history and culture through songs, dances, verses, literature, sports competitions… Macedonia is no longer...

Balkans 02.10.22 | 23:02

The arrest attempt backfired as Borisov wins comfortable victory in the latest Bulgarian election

The right wing GERB party of Boyko Borisov scored a comfortable victory at the latest early general elections in Bulgaria. Borisov won 25.5 percent of the vote, against 19.9 percent for the recently formed liberal PP party which briefly ruled the country and secured a new set of concessions from Macedonia. The...

Macedonia 01.10.22 | 14:09

Bulgarian activists want to open another club named after a controversial historic figure in Macedonia

Bulgarian activists in Macedonia plan to open another club named after a controversial historic figure – Tsar Boris III who led the country during the Second World War. During his reign, Bulgaria joined the Axis, occupied the territory of modern day Republic of Macedonia from the Kingdom of Yugoslavia,...

Balkans 06.09.22 | 19:50

During the negotiations with Bulgaria, the Macedonian team in the joint history commission behaved as if it were in a market

Macedonia’s recommendations for Bulgarian textbooks are largely meaningless and we can accept them without any problem. Simply, the colleagues tried to present something against our requests, regardless of what it was about, reads a text published on “24 casa” by the member of the Bulgarian...

Balkans 30.08.22 | 10:02

Bulgaria’s Prosecutor General Office asks Macedonian counterparts for further questioning of survivors and relatives of victims in Struma bus crash

Spokesperson of Bulgaria’s Prosecutor General Office, Siika Mileva, said the preliminary investigation into the bus crash on the Struma highway that killed 46 people has stopped. According to MIA’s Sofia correspondent, Mileva told BNT the reason for this is because Bulgarian prosecutors have asked...

Balkans 15.08.22 | 11:18

At least 12 children injured after bus carrying Serbian tourists crashed in Bulgaria

A bus with 48 Serbian citizens had a traffic accident in Bulgaria, on the Trakia highway, Euronews Bulgaria reported. There were 38 children, 10 adults and the driver in the bus that had an accident. According to the Bulgarian Ministry of Health, there were no fatalities, and 12 people were injured –...

Macedonia 14.08.22 | 20:45

“We warned there would be new demands from Bulgaria, the government, in order to realize its dishonest intentions, lies that Europe is forcing us to do so”

The whole process is treacherous and calculating. Macedonian diplomacy capitulated. I warned that there will be new demands from Bulgaria, said the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, during Sunday’s visit to Butel municipality, answering a journalist’s question related to Bulgaria’s...

Macedonia 12.08.22 | 13:26

Bulgaria didn’t want it either: The electric vehicle to be produced in Tetovo was declared the worst ever in Germany

The government yesterday boasted that electric vehicles will be manufactured in Tetovo. It sounds good, especially with the trend that has swept Europe for electric vehicles, especially after EU’s announcement that in ten years the production of gasoline and diesel vehicles will be banned. The...

Macedonia 11.08.22 | 21:47

Nikoloski: Bulgaria’s demands are continuously growing and are being accepted because of the desire for power and the naive diplomacy of the SDSM/DUI government

Since the SDSM and DUI government is in power, the Bulgarian demands are continuously growing and they are unfortunately being accepted by this government, hoping that way they will stay in power one more day, and unfortunately they are only continuing the crime that is happening, said the vice-president...

Macedonia 11.08.22 | 21:36

How long will the government tolerate Bulgarian fascism, what’s next, “Adolf Hitler” association?!, ask Jews from Macedonia

We are horrified by the ease with which Nazism and fascism are glorified in the country and hate speech is spread, the Jewish Community and the Holocaust Fund of the Jews from Macedonia said regarding the registration of the Tsar Boris III association in Ohrid. It is obvious that registrations of associations...

Macedonia 11.08.22 | 12:33

“The Bulgarian authorities admitted that they are working well with SDSM”

Kovacevski is hiding and does not say a word about the new situation in relations with Bulgaria. After all, the entire government is on vacation and not a single relevant minister has come out in public and said what that new Bulgarian document with new conditions for Macedonia is, says the opposition...

Balkans 10.08.22 | 12:16

UN demands that Bulgaria recognizes the Macedonian minority, only the SDSM government has given up on our people

Bulgaria has an obligation to respect the rights of minorities and to ensure no person is discriminated based on their freely chosen identity, the United Nations Human Rights Office told VOA when asked to comment on Bulgaria’s requirement to include the Bulgarians in the Macedonian Constitution,...

Macedonia 09.08.22 | 13:19

MFA will not negotiate with Bulgaria on issues outside the Protocol

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) denied Tuesday reports over new mutual documents between Macedonia and Bulgaria outside the principles agreed in the signed Protocol. It informed that it is closely following the process of formation of the Bulgarian Government and the development of internal and...

Macedonia 09.08.22 | 09:52

“Kovacevski is hidden in a mouse hole and is silent, while new conditions and demands for Macedonia are being prepared in Bulgaria”

A new debacle of the treacherous government led by Dimitar Kovacevski in diplomacy is on the horizon. Once again, new conditions and new documents from Bulgaria to Macedonia. Ѕesterday, the new foreign affairs minister of Bulgaria, Nikolay Milkov, announced a new document with tasks for the Republic...

Macedonia 25.07.22 | 23:09

Gruevski: Through attempts to change history and origin of Macedonian language and nation, in the past, now and in the future, Bulgaria will try to create second Bulgarian state in the Balkans from Macedonia

It is no secret that Bulgaria, through attempts to change the history and origin of the Macedonian language and nation, in the past, now and in the future, will try to create a second Bulgarian state in the Balkans from Macedonia, Nikola Gruevski wrote in a post on Facebook. It is not a problem for...

Macedonia 23.07.22 | 12:04

Bulgaria recognized the Macedonian language 66 years ago, this document is still in force

The Bulgarian National Assembly has officially recognized the Macedonian language as separate and distinct from Bulgarian 66 years ago and this recognition is still in force, so the current rhetoric by Sofia about not recognizing the Macedonian language and defining it as a Bulgarian dialect is just...
