Tag: government
Macedonia 07.09.23 | 11:32

“Herald of Freedom”: The government will celebrate the Independence Day without mentioning the name of the country

The event “32 Years of Independence” will launch Thursday the celebrations of Macedonia’s Independence Day – September 8. Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski is set to address the event, which takes place within the observances organized by the Government under the slogan “Herald...

Macedonia 29.08.23 | 13:04

VMRO-DPMNE: Another September 1 without textbooks

The government is not prepared for the start of the academic year – again. Another September first came without most of the necessary textbooks and learning aids, VMRO-DPMNE reacted on Tuesday. “Where do they spend the millions of euros allocated for this purpose, when each year the students...

Macedonia 10.08.23 | 18:56

Now Taravari offers to leave the Government, if VMRO votes for the Bulgarian amendments

Alliance of Albanians party leader Arben Taravari offered to leave the DUI – SDSM led Government, if VMRO-DPMNE agrees to vote in favor of the constitutional amendments that Bulgaria requests. The offer mirrors that of Taravari’s parent party DUI, which had her ministers submit conditional...

Macedonia 08.08.23 | 11:49

Trajanov request resignation of the Government: The negotiations with the EU won’t start

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, confirmed that the deadline for the constitutional amendments is not November, as the Government lied to the citizens, to the media, the Parliament, to the USA and the other partners and supporters,  for the entire year, the leader and an MP of the Democratic...

Macedonia 29.07.23 | 09:00

Mickoski: The Government closed the entrance to Ohrid in the height of the season in revenge for VMRO-DPMNE victory in the local elelctions

The Government of DUI and its junior partner SDSM punish the citizens of Ohrid because they massively voted for VMRO-DPMNE in the last local elections, the leader of VMRO-SDPMNE, Hristijan Misckoski, claims. “That is the kind of politicians we are dealing with, overwhelmed with rage and desire...

Economy 28.07.23 | 18:08

Government to continue to subsidize heating in Skopje

Budget funds amounting to EUR 250 million were allocated for anti-crisis measures, and one of them is subsidizing heating bills in Skopje. We will look over the calculations made by the companies that participate in production and distribution, and the estimates for the changing gas prices and other...

Economy 26.07.23 | 23:14

The Government rescinded its decision on Ilovitsa concessions, may face up to one billion euros in damages demands

The decision to merge the concessions wasn’t rejected yesterday, but instead, a decision was made which invalidates the previous decision on the merging of concessions, the Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi explained at Wednesday’s press conference. “In fact, we didn’t take away any...

Economy 26.07.23 | 16:56

The Government reviewed the Information on Ilovitsa, details to be made public on Thursday

The Government in its Wednesday session reviewed the Information submitted by the Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi, regarding the chronology of all procedures for granting concessions for detailed geological study and exploitation of mineral ores – copper and gold – at the locality...

Macedonia 26.07.23 | 08:40

Government extended heat wave measures for two more days

The Government extended the measures and recommendations for the protection of the citizens from the heat wave through July 26 and 27, based on the Ministry of Heath report on the situation with the high temperatures. The measures and recommendations include, among others, relieving the most vulnerable...

Economy 25.07.23 | 18:27

Economy Minister Bekteshi failed to show at a press conference; uninformed reporters were waiting for over an hour

After one and a half hours of waiting for the Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi, to show up at a scheduled press conference, the reporters were informed to leave because he was otherwise occupied. The topic of the press conference was Bekteshi’s report to the Government on all legal procedures...

Macedonia 23.07.23 | 14:15

Whose vehicle was it: The Government condemns the arson of vehicle used by Vice-PM Grubi

Security is a top priority of any democratic society. The Government of the Republic of Macedonia condemns the act of arsen that targeted the vehicle used by Vice-PM Artan Grubi and considers it as an act of violence unacceptable and inadmissible in a democratic society that strives to achieve European...

Macedonia 19.07.23 | 08:59

Government formally asks Parliament to include the Bulgarians and five other nations in the Constitution

The Government today adopted the draft proposal to amend the Constitution, and to meet the main Bulgarian demands. The proposal that will be sent to Parliament includes adding the Bulgarians, Croats, Montenegrins, Slovenians, Jews and Egyptians, in addition to the nations already mentioned in the Constitution. The...

Macedonia 06.07.23 | 14:45

Eight years in prison for the Government’s former Secretary General Dragi Rashkovski

Eight years in prison is the sentence that the Court in Skopje delivered to the former Secretary General of the Government. Dragi Rashkovski. Rashkovski got six years for abusing the office while acquiring IT equipment, and 1.6 years for money laundering. Six more people also got from three to five years...

Macedonia 30.06.23 | 22:05

The Platform on Fight Against Corruption requires from PM Kovachevski to stop the pressure over the independent institutions

The Platform of Civil Organizations for Fight Against Corruption requires in a letter publicized on Friday that the Government representatives stop creating pressure over the independent institutions that work in the field if fight against corruption, and to provide for their unhindered operations in...

Macedonia 23.06.23 | 11:32

The Government’s poker: the four partners on the US black list

Four people of the current ruling coalition are  on the US blacklist. Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko from DUI joined the ‘veterans’ Ljube Boshkovski, Menduh Tachi, and the second DUI blacklisted official, Xhevat Ademi. Menduh Tachi is the leader of DPA, a party in coalition with DUI and SDS, while...

Macedonia 20.06.23 | 15:49

PM Kovachevski: Government will not review constitutional changes at Tuesdaay’s session

The constitutional amendments will not be reviewed at today’s government session, confirmed Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Tuesday, despite Monday’s statement of Minister of Justice Krenar Lloga who said the Government is likely to review the draft-initiative on the constitutional amendments...

Macedonia 15.06.23 | 15:33

SPM: The low level of behavior by the ruling parties is devolving the state and Macedonia’s reputation

The Socialist Party of Macedonia(SPM) stated on Thursday that they are not surprised by the political auctions conducted by SDS and DUI, by offering various political offices to the opposition just to implement their idea of constitutional amendments. ” The PM’s absence of moral was confirmed...

Macedonia 11.06.23 | 08:35

VMRO-DPMNE responded to DUI: You’re not the ones who decide, SDSM must show courage

Following DUI’s conditional agreement to leave the government in exchange for the opposition’s vote for the constitutional amendments, VMRO-DPMNE responded that it completely doesn’t matter what DUI thinks or does, because they don’t decide for anything – it is the Social...

Macedonia 10.06.23 | 20:41

Bocvarski: Government to support Delcevo rehabilitation efforts after storm damages

Minister of Transport and Communications Blagoj Bocvarski and Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Kaja Sukova, Public Enterprise for Road Maintenance Director Kostadin Acevski and Faculty of Civil Engineering Dean Goran Markovski inspected Saturday the damages caused by the flash storm that...

News 30.05.23 | 20:57

8,000 Turks died for Macedonia’s freedom in the WW2, and now the Government wants to erase the history

  The Government didn’t ‘hurry to congratulate Taip Erdogan on his victory, and it should have. Well, that is nothing new to me, the leader of the Party of Turks in Macedonia, Professor Adnan Kyahil said in an interview with TV Alfa. “Turkey always called us ‘The Republic...
