The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, confirmed that the deadline for the constitutional amendments is not November, as the Government lied to the citizens, to the media, the Parliament, to the USA and the other partners and supporters,  for the entire year, the leader and an MP of the Democratic Union, Pavle Trajanov, claimed on Tuesday.

“For more than a year PM Kovachevski, Marichikj, and Osmani manipulated the public and imposed a huge pressure to carry on with the constitutional amendments and including the Bulgars into the Constitution as a precondition to start the EU negotiations. On Monday, Osmani publically admitted that the deadline is, in fact, until the end of this Government’s mandate, that is June 2024”, Trajanov said, adding that now it is clear that the citizens and the opposition are not the ones blocking the country’s EU integrations, but the Government.

“Osmani is aware of the statements by some EU member countries that they won’t give their approval to start the negotiations with Macedonia even if it adopts the constitutional amendments, because of the organized crime, corruption, because of the incredible and corrupted judicial system, lack of rule of law, as well as because the absence of reforms and results”, Trajanov continued.

After a fiasco like this, they must face justice, resign from the government, and go on to early parliamentary elections.