The Platform of Civil Organizations for Fight Against Corruption requires in a letter publicized on Friday that the Government representatives stop creating pressure over the independent institutions that work in the field if fight against corruption, and to provide for their unhindered operations in order to fulfill their obligations, especially the State Corruption Prevention Commission.

Derogating the work of these institutions by high Government officials is contrary to the commitments to fight the corruption and the citizens’ expectations for an improvement of the situation where the corruption is the largest social problem”, the Platform’s letter ddressed to PM kovachevski reads.

The platform posits that criticism on any institution’s operation are acceptable and benevolent only if they are based  on evidence and realized or unrealized results.

“The opposite – when the criticism is based on personal, unfounded perceptions, and are coming from a high official – is conssidered a direct pressure over the institutions”, the letter reads.

The Platform also points out that the institutions’ refusal to carry on their legal obligations only reveals a high dose of immaturity and unpreparedness for significant reforms of the judicial system, something this Government promised to its citizens and to the international community, but has only delivered declarative commitments.