Tag: stip
Macedonia 02.11.20 | 13:10

Family of textile worker from Stip collects donations to pay for his private clinic for Covid-19 treatment

Citizens of Stip are setting up collection points for donations to help Riste Donev, a 54 year old Covid-19 patient whose family was forced to seek treatment in a private clinic. Donev was initially treated in the Stip general hospital, but as his condition deteriorated, doctors said he needs to be treated...

Macedonia 30.10.20 | 18:19

Covid-19 patients in Stip can’t get the badly needed oxygen, are forced to share breathing masks

The regional Covid-19 center in Stip is badly failing to provide treatment to five dozen patients from all across the eastern parts of Macedonia, said Sanela Petrova from VMRO-DPMNE during a press conference. Petrova revealed that the center lacks a simple regulator that costs just 50 EUR and is used...

Macedonia 28.10.20 | 23:12

SDSM delayed major healthcare investments and now blames the opposition

After public outcry, the Government was forced to give up on its proposal to ban gatherings at home with more than four visitors. The Government withdrew its proposal to ban family gatherings after the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party objected. The Parliament Healthcare Committee was reviewing the draconian...

Macedonia 24.10.20 | 09:34

VMRO supporters rallied along the Goce Delcev highway

Hundreds of cars took to the streets of Macedonian cities yesterday, in a protest organized by the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party. The main column drove from Skopje to Stip, along the newly built Goce Delcev highway. The main destination was the historic Novo Selo near Stip, where Goce Delcev worked as...

Macedonia 12.10.20 | 15:30

After a pause of two months, new corona cases reported in Stip

Two textile mills in Stip have had workers test positive to the coronavirus, local officials revealed. One large and one smaller plant operating in the Stip industrial zone are the first plants to have positive workers after a respite of two months. Back in the summer, Stip was one of the worst hit cities...

Macedonia 30.09.20 | 18:54

Zaev’s regime will face an electoral test in the mayoral race in Stip in December

A new Mayor of Stip will be elected in December, after Mayor Blagoja Bocvarski was appointed as Transportation Minister in the new Zaev led Government. The election will be the first test for Zaev after he barely reformed his coalition with DUI in the aftermath of the chaotic and low turnout July 15...

Macedonia 05.08.20 | 18:39

Man from Stip who was considered cured tested positive to the coronavirus again

A man from Stip, who was once already diagnosed with the coronavirus and was considered clear, has contracted the virus again. The 46 year old man was first diagnosed a month and a half ago, but doctors have since declared him cured. This week he tested positive again. Epidemiologists are now trying...

Macedonia 28.07.20 | 11:29

Police detains nearly a 100 illegal immigrants in one night

Macedonian police detained nearly 100 illegal immigrants in one night, in three separate raids, proving that the Balkan migrant route is operating at a fast pace. The biggest incident was reported yesterday evening in the village of Tri Vodi near Strumica, where a young man from Veles was stopped while...

Macedonia 27.07.20 | 17:00

Stip remains COVID-19 hotspot, epidemiologists said they don’t expect the number to drop soon

Stip comes in second in the country after the capital Skopje according to the number of new COVID-19 cases after 29 confirmed cases were registered in the city in east Macedonia. As there are a total of 409 active cases in Stip, local epidemiologists said they don’t expect the number to drop soon. Our...

Macedonia 19.07.20 | 11:31

Its hospital already stretched to the limit, the city of Stip prepares for a flood of new patients

With a large spike in new cases in Stip, which was already badly hit by the coronavirus, the general hospital in this city is discharging its less severe patients to make room for those who are in worse condition. Hospital management already expanded its Covid-19 ward to the closest neighboring ward,...

Macedonia 12.07.20 | 22:26

Mickoski: Let’s stop losing Macedonia, vote for Macedonia, vote for number 14

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, said Sunday at the final rally of the election campaign in Stip that the opponent, SDSM, will fall because it was lying. Mickoski said that the vote for Igor Janusev in the 3rd electoral district is also a vote for Macedonia, and these elections are a crossroads...

Macedonia 12.07.20 | 21:55

Janusev: Zaev is the biggest virus of crime and corruption, a virus of lies and manipulations, so let’s defeat him, vote for number 14

The Secretary General of VMRO-DPMNE, Igor Janusev, head of the list in the 3rd electoral district on the last day of the campaign was at the final meeting with the citizens in Stip. Janusev told the audience that the best four years for Macedonia are coming and said “on July 15, circle number 14...

Macedonia 12.07.20 | 21:46

13 injured in car accident near Stip village

Thirteen people were injured Sunday near the Stip village of Lakavica after two vehicles collided with one of the them carrying migrants. Police spokesman Gordana Panajotova confirmed that two vehicles collided, but fell short of providing more details because investigation is ongoing. Alen Georgiev,...

Macedonia 03.07.20 | 15:58

Stip hospital overflowing with Covid-19 patients, forced to expand the infectious diseases ward

The Stip hospital said that its infectious diseases ward is over capacity and they’re forced to expand into another ward, used by patients with neurological issues. We are activating our plan B, moving the neurology department, with all patients and staff to the urology department, and clearing...

Health 25.06.20 | 12:48

Two Covid-19 patients die at Stip hospital

Two COVID-19 patients have passed away in the Stip Clinical Hospital. Hospital director Alen Gjeorgjiev told MIA that the deceased were aged 80 and 75. The 80-year old was hospitalized on June 5 while the 75-year old was brought only yesterday and passed away a few hours later. Both patients had underlying...

Macedonia 24.06.20 | 17:02

Chemical spill that painted the Bregalnica river white was caused by the Technical Textiles factory near Stip

The chemical spill that alarmed the citizens of Stip yesterday, painting the Bregalnica river white, came from a the Technical Textiles company which produces industrial and construction fibers. It’s expected that the exact type of chemical that spilled from the factory will be announced during...

Macedonia 19.06.20 | 13:41

Another Potemkin project from SDSM – Pool in Johannesburg presented as the work of the Mayor of Stip

After several embarrassing situations in which Government officials were using pictures stolen from the internet, from Germany, France and other countries, to promote tourism in Macedonia, another similar case was reported in Stip. Beneath the incompetence – corruption: More issues emerge with...

Macedonia 11.06.20 | 17:13

126 employees at Stip factories infected with coronavirus, 24 are in hospital

Health Minister Venko Filipce said at that 778 smears had been taken from workers in seven clothing factories in Stip that had been identified as at risk. 126 tests came back positive, 24 people have been admitted to hospital and the rest have been put in self-isolation. Inspectors have issued 400 isolation...

Macedonia 04.06.20 | 18:36

Textile factories in Stip ordered to close for the weekend

The crisis center in the city of Stip ordered all textile and shoe factories to shut down during the weekend. Six major textile mills were already closed after workers were diagnosed with the coronavirus. Textile is an essential industry in Stip, and the factories have tried to work under the coronavirus...

Macedonia 03.06.20 | 14:56

Another textile mill in Stip ordered to close because of coronavirus fears

Another textile mill in Stip was ordered to close down, said Mayor Blagoja Bocvarski, because of fears that the coronavirus will spread among the workers. Bocvarski would not name the factory, but said that it had one case among 250 employees, and that it is the sixth such factory that was ordered to...
