Tag: vaccine
Macedonia 12.02.21 | 09:07

“It took less time to develop the vaccine than for Macedonia to transport a donation”

Due to the incompetence of the Government, it takes more time to transport a batch of donated vaccines, than it took to actually develop the vaccine, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Vladimir Misajlovski, after the Macedonian Government failed to deliver the promised Serbian donations of Pfizer vaccines. The...

Macedonia 11.02.21 | 14:42

Police is going after a disability rights activist over a joke website that ridiculed Zaev

Police officers went after the prankster who set up the vaksajns.mk news site for vaccine registration. It was reported today that the Healthcare Ministry reported the site and the man is being interrogated by the computer crimes unit. The website was made online yesterday, about the same time as was...

Macedonia 09.02.21 | 14:15

4,000 medical workers asked to be given the vaccine

Even as it is now clear when the actual delivery of the expected 200,000 Chinese vaccines will begin, the Healthcare Ministry plans to open a website so that citizens can register. Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce said that so far 4,000 healthcare workers registered to take the vaccine, and the rest...

Macedonia 09.02.21 | 14:09

Minister Filipce’s vaccine delays blamed for the tragic death of a young father

Friends and family members of Milos Bisovski, who died of Covid-19 aged just 32, are calling out Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce for the delay in providing vaccines. The Zaev Government rejected the offer from Russia to purchase the Sputnik vaccine, and slow-rolled the prospects for China, insisting...

Macedonia 09.02.21 | 10:12

Zaev attempted to speak English again – it didn’t go well

Ever since his 2015 Colored Revolution, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev main audience is the English speaking one, and he frequently attempts to address them in English. And, even more frequently, the attempt backfires. The one thing everybody will remember from his almost hour long address to the Atlantic...

World 08.02.21 | 09:57

V4: Austrian chancellor willing to take the Russian vaccine

Austria is ready to support and manufacture the Russian vaccine. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz stressed that the aim was to have as many safe vaccines and as quickly as possible, regardless of the source manufacturer, the V4 news agency reported. Once the eastern vaccines receive licensing, Austria will...

Macedonia 06.02.21 | 19:43

Healthcare workers and people over 70 will be the first to get the Covid-19 vaccine

The Ministry of Health is set to sign on Monday an agreement for the procurement of 200,000 COVID-19 vaccines from China, Health Minister Venko Filipce told a press conference on Saturday. At the press conference Filipce presented the National Operational Plan for vaccination, regarding the receipt,...

Macedonia 30.01.21 | 18:11

Macedonians go to Serbia to get vaccinated

Macedonian doctors and nurses who have dual Serbian citizenship are now trying to get vaccinated in Serbia, as the wait to get vaccines even for the most critical categories in Macedonia extended into February. Meanwhile, Serbia is awash in vaccines from China, Russia and Western producers and is among...

Macedonia 26.01.21 | 10:39

Doctor Cibisev warns that holding a census before vaccines are made available is a dangerous move

Doctor Andon Cibisev, from the VMRO-DPMNE committee on healthcare, warns that the Government is not prepared to hold a census in the midst of a pandemic. He noted that the Zaev Government, uniquely in the region, failed to procure even token doses of vaccines so that it could cover at least the exposed...

Macedonia 26.01.21 | 10:01

Unable to procure vaccines in the West, Macedonia now turns to China

After failing to secure even token doses of the Pfizer or Astra-Zeneca vaccines, Macedonian Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce announced that the Government is now turning to China. With the help of the Chinese Embassy in our country we have already made contact with their vaccine manufacturers. We are...

Macedonia 18.01.21 | 20:45

Expres: The vaccine donation from Serbia was secured by the leader of the Serbian party in Macedonia, not Zaev

The Expres news site reports that the announced donation of 8,000 Pfizer vaccines from Serbia to Macedonia was negotiated by Ivan Stoiljkovic, leader of the Democratic Party of Serbs in Macedonia, and not by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Zaev, who still hasn’t secured a single dose of the vaccine...

Macedonia 12.01.21 | 10:31

Macedonians are getting vaccinated – provided they live abroad

With the dismal failure of the Macedonian Government to provide coronavirus vaccines, the only Macedonians who are getting vaccinated are those who live abroad. Some of them are sharing their experience and encouraging the public to take the vaccine – when it becomes available that is. Blaze Andonov,...

Macedonia 11.01.21 | 15:57

44.5 percent of Macedonians are willing to take the vaccine, 39.9 percent are opposed

The Sia Vista poll conducted in late December shos that 44.5 percent of Macedonians are willing to take the coronavirus vaccine. Against them are 39.9 percent who said “no”. Another group of 14.7 percent took a “wait and see” attitude. The poll was conducted on 1,523 participants....

Macedonia 25.12.20 | 21:52

Zaev was not interested in the Sputnik vaccine, Russian Embassy reveals

The Russian Embassy in Skopje confirmed that the Zaev Government was not interested in obtaining the Sputnik coronavirus vaccine. The revelation comes as it becomes clear that Macedonia will lag far behind other countries in the region in obtaining the vaccine, likely until the spring of 2021, and will...

Macedonia 25.12.20 | 17:46

Sekerinska condemns Karakacanov’s vaccine comment

Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska condemned the latest statement from her Bulgarian counterpart Krasimir Karakacanov as “Balkan comments”. Karakacanov was speaking about the offer from Bulgaria to donate coronavirus vaccines to Macedonia, saying that it is normal for Bulgaria to want to...

Macedonia 16.12.20 | 15:51

The Healthcare Ministry tailored the flu shot contract in a way that only one, politically linked provider, is eligible to win it

VMRO-DPMNE official doctor Marija Andonovska revealed abuse on part of the Healthcare Ministry which gave preferential treatment to a drug whole-seller linked to an official of the ruling SDSM party. Andonovska revealed that standards for the procurement of flu shots were changed and this ended benefiting...

Macedonia 15.12.20 | 15:28

Zaev says he will take the coronavirus vaccine as soon as it’s made available in Macedonia

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that he will take the coronavirus vaccine to give a personal example to the public. During a press conference with Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce, Zaev said that a down-payment has been paid on the first batch of 833,000 vaccines. When they arrive, I will take one, Zaev...

Macedonia 08.12.20 | 19:11

Macedonia about to begin direct talks with Pfizer for their coronavirus vaccine

Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce informed that Pfizer responded to the request from Macedonia and will soon initiate direct talks for procuring their coronavirus vaccine.  Filipce said that Macedonia will receive a shipment through the WHO Covax program, but is also purchasing additional quantities...

Macedonia Health 05.12.20 | 14:03

Filipce: 833,000 Covid-19 vaccines provided – vaccination will be free of charge

The Minister of Health, Venko Filipce, informed Saturday that intensive activities are underway to prepare the healthcare system for the Covid-19 vaccination. We have provided 833,000 vaccines for 400,000 citizens through the Covax mechanism. Vaccination will be free for the citizens and will be performed...

Macedonia 02.12.20 | 12:34

Filipce expects the first batch of coronavirus vaccines early next year

Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce said that coronavirus vaccines should be made available in the early months of 2021, but that it is still not clear when and to what extent. Filipce said that he expects about 400,000 doses, delivered at once or in stages. We sent a letter to Covax (WHO) and we are awaiting...
