Tag: xhaferi
Macedonia 20.05.22 | 12:06

Talat Xhaferi hosted a delegation of Chechen representatives allied to Putin

VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki informed that last year Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi hosted a delegation of Chechen representatives, including a person who set up a club for “Muslims supporting President Putin”. It was a strange delegation, led by Abdul Vayeed Niyazov, a Kremlin...

Macedonia 19.05.22 | 14:57

Kovacevski agrees that Parliament should conduct a disciplinary procedure against Speaker Xhaferi

Prime Minister Kovacevski agreed that a disciplinary procedure should be initiated against Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi, who was recorded shouting obscenities at staffers. I know that members of Parliament have made such an initiative. I would ask them to follow the procedure, the code of ethics....

Macedonia 19.05.22 | 11:31

In the midst of constroversy, Talat Xhaferi heads for Berlin

In the midst of a growing controversy at home, after Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi was recorded screaming obscenities at staff members, he went for a visit to Germany. In Berlin, Xhaferi will be accompanied by members of Parliament for meetings with their German counterparts. The opposition VMRO-DPMNE...

Macedonia 18.05.22 | 13:44

VMRO demands a disciplinary procedure against Parliament Speaker Xhaferi after his profanities laden outburst

VMRO-DPMNE calls for a debate in Parliament to discuss the unacceptable behavior by Speaker Talat Xhaferi. Xhaferi was recorded recently in an angry tirade against Parliament employees, during which he used unprintable words. The entire public heard these serious violations of the code of ethics. They...

Macedonia 17.05.22 | 11:16

VMRO-DPMNE: Kovacevski can’t even dare rebuke Speaker Xhaferi for his outrageous actions

Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski has refused to rebuke Speaker Talat Xhaferi, after a leaked audio tape revealed his torrent of abuse at Parliament staffers. Even for a country generally not shy about using profanities, Xhaferi’s shouting off the charts, not to mention that it occurred in the...

Macedonia 13.05.22 | 15:18

Kovacevski won’t comment on Xhaferi’s scandal because you can’t say for certain if it’s his voice in the tape

Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski would not comment on the audio tape showing Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi hysterically shouting at staffers. Xhaferi, apparently angry over not being able to advance his agenda in the blocked Parliament, is heard cursing at someone, presumably members of the Parliament...

Macedonia 12.05.22 | 12:07

Unruly scenes during the oppositions’ filibuster in Parliament yesterday

The blockade of Parliament put in place by VMRO-DPMNE led to tense scenes yesterday, as Speaker Talat Xhaferi from DUI tried to break the filibuster. VMRO-DPMNE representatives are using the Parliament rules to protract the discussion on all legislation, by talking about the failures and the corruptions...

Macedonia 06.05.22 | 16:00

Xhaferi calls on Bulgaria to lift its veto

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi called on the European Union to give Macedonia a date to open its accession talks during the French Presidency, which ends next month. Xhaferi was speaking during a meeting of the Adriatic – Ionian Initiative in Tirana. Even though every country individually has...

Macedonia 02.05.22 | 13:12

Xhaferi congratulates to the Muslims on the end of the month of Ramazan

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi congratulated to the Muslim faithful on the end of the month of Ramazan. I hope that the month that is behind us, the fast, the dedicated prayers and the good deeds helped us purify our souls, thought and bodies. I hope that the faithful will welcome Bajram in a higher...

Macedonia 02.03.22 | 14:47

Mickoski calls on Xhaferi to stop violating the rules of the Parliament

Regarding the divisions in Parliament over the appointment of new members of the Constitutional Court, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski called on Speaker Talat Xhaferi to avoid any attempts to falsify the will of the people. Xhaferi is trying to remove a BESA member of Parliament from the key...

Macedonia 02.03.22 | 14:31

Constitutional Court postpones hearing on Xhaferi’s 2017 election as Speaker

As widely expected, the Constitutional Court postponed discussion on the challenge to the 2017 appointment of Talat Xhaferi as Speaker. The court is down to just five judges and is apparently using the case to pressure Xhaferi to speed up the election of new judges in the Parliament. Even though the...

Macedonia 02.03.22 | 09:25

Challenge to Xhaferi’s election unlikely to be accepted by the Constitutional Court

All five remaining judges on the Constitutional Court will need to vote in favor in order to bring down the contested 2017 election of Talat Xhaferi as Speaker of Parliament. The court unexpectedly put the long delayed case on the agenda, at a time when it can barely operate due to unfilled vacancies...

Macedonia 26.01.22 | 16:06

Speaker Xhaferi is buying time before putting VMRO proposal for changes in the electoral code to a vote

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi is procrastinating on the proposal from VMRO-DPMNE for quick changes to the electoral code that would reduce the deadline needed to hold early elections to just 45 days. VMRO is proposing that the rule mandating that a technical Government is put in place for 100 days...

Macedonia 28.12.21 | 12:49

Speaker Xhaferi refuses opposition request for a final chance to question Zaev and his ministers

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi rejected the request from the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party that he convenes a session where members of Parliament will be able to question the Prime Minister and Government ministers. This comes after Zoran Zaev chose to leave the Government without even addressing Parliament,...

Macedonia 18.11.21 | 12:48

Xhaferi refuses to say whether the “majority” actually has majority in Parliament

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi avoided answering whether he thinks that the SDSM – DUI coalition has majority. When asked by the press, Xhaferi replied “I have 120 members of Parliament” – which is the full number of seats. SDSM lost their BESA coalition partner, which means...

Macedonia 06.10.21 | 10:14

Energy regulator director Bislimoski physically attacked by politically connected energy trader Xhaferi

Businessman Arijanit Xhaferi, son of former Deputy Prime Minister Musa Xhaferi, attacked Marko Bislimoski, director of the RKE energy regulatory commission yesterday evening. The incident, that was captured on camera, comes after Bislimoski took away Xhaferi’s license to trade with electricity...

Macedonia 26.04.21 | 23:20

Mickoski warns Xhaferi and Zaev not to play with fire after the opposition was denied the right to speak in the Parliament

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski warned Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi that they are playing with fire, after the VMRO members of Parliament were not allowed to speak during the discussion in the vote of no confidence procedure for Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski. Treatment...

Macedonia 24.04.21 | 09:58

Two thirds of Parliament members were given Sputnik vaccines

About two thirds of Parliament members were vaccinated yesterday, when the Healthcare Ministry organized a priority vaccination drive. The institution was barely functioning in the past months, as frequent outbreaks often prevented the slim SDSM led majority from even convening a session of Parliament,...

Macedonia 21.04.21 | 15:40

Prosecutors are investigating Speaker Xhaferi and two SDSM members of Parliament who violated their isolation orders

The OJO office of public prosecutors announced that it is already investigating the criminal charges proposed by the opposition VMRO-DPMNE and Levica parties against Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi and two members of Parliament from the SDSM led coalition. The charges come after the members of Parliament...

Macedonia 14.04.21 | 17:19

Xhaferi calls for a meeting to resume legislative work in the Parliament

Speaker Talat Xhaferi announced a meeting of the heads of party groups in Parliament, to discuss next steps after the work of the legislative body was unblocked by the party leaders. A number of laws are on the agenda and were stalled for months as the ruling “majority” was unable to gather...
