VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said that the party will conduct a principled foreign policy toward Macedonia’s neighbors, sticking to what is our own and not seeking to take from our neighbors what is theirs. This is his second response to situation with Greece, which reacted loudly to the inauguration of newly elected President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova, and her refusal to use the imposed name “North Macedonia” in public events.

We are aware that we can’t go against nature, that we are one of the smallest nations in Europe. An Organization that has the honor and privilege to defend the interests of one of the least numerous nations in Europe – the Macedonian people – needs to be wise. We shouldn’t make rash moves that will cost us dearly. It’s better that we move forward a milimeter, if that is on solid ground. We must be patient, we must be three times smarter than ll the others, because that is the only way to survive encircled with predators who, believe me, do not want to see Macedonia succeed, they don’t want to see Macedonia prosperous, happy, full of citizens who are satisfied. We saw that in the first days after the historic election results on May 8th, when passions began to heat up, not just around us but at home as well, Mickoski said.

He called for building bridges across the Balkans, and emphasized that, in international politics, “we will not be seen on our knees or humiliating ourselves, or afraid to counter arguments with our interlocutors”. Mickoski added that he will not try to “irritate neighbors without need”, but will ask that the basic human rights are respected.

The incoming Prime Minister said that he expects his party to secure a majority of 62 votes following the repeated voting in two electoral districts. Earlier this week Mickoski revealed that following talks with smaller parties, VMRO now has 61 votes in Parliament, and the party has a chance to win another seat in the 5th district. The seat initially went to an oil tycoon linked to the DUI party, but due to a number of irregularities in polling stations, the State Electoral Commission ordered a repeat of the vote, and both VMRO, SDSM and DUI could win that seat.

In the first 100 days we can expect exceptionally good news for all citizens, in the realm of improving living standards, a financial bomb if you will. We will not deal with political bombs, with low passions and attacks. We intend to work to improve the standards of our citizens – that is our goal and we plan to earn our place in history, said Mickoski during the visit of the village of Razlovci near Berovo, to mark the anniversary of the 1876 uprising against Ottoman rule.