Artist Oliver Musovikj is taking part in an art exhibition at the ACC Gallery in Weimar, Germany, which opens March 8 and runs through May 19.

The group exhibit titled Solidarity – Now More Than Ever will present works produced by participants in the 24th International Studio Program during their residency in Weimar.

Musovikj (b. 1971) will participate with several new pieces, including two photo series, a video, and a local initiative proposal, as well as other works.

His latest art illustrates different aspects of the so-called solidary economy, which affirms local businesses and non-profit organizations.

“Collecting and redistributing old clothes, community gardens, alternative local currencies, individual acts of solidarity […] These different strategies aim to replace the capitalist economy with networks of social protection organized at the level of communities,” Musovikj says.

Other participants in the Weimar art show include Matthew McCarthy from Jamaica, Kurchi Dasgupta from India, and the Serbian art collective Škart.