Besar Durmishi, the Minister of Economy and Labour, met with Turkish Ambassador Fatih Ulusoy on Monday to discuss enhancing economic relations between the two nations.

In a press release from the Ministry of Economy and Labour, Minister Durmishi expressed gratitude to the ambassador for Türkiye’s ongoing assistance to the nation ever since it gained its independence.

According to the statement, Durmishi stated during the meeting that “the Republic of Türkiye is one of our most important trade partners and a country that continuously invests in various sectors of the Macedonian economy as a strategic investment partner.”

“Trade figures show that last year the Republic of Türkiye was ranked seventh on the list of countries the Republic of Macedonia has the largest volume of trade with,” Durmishi stated. He added that he hoped that the cooperation would deepen in the future.

He declared that the Ministry of Economy and Labour will be concentrating on expanding the labour market and assisting both foreign and domestic businesses.

The minister of economy went on to say that fostering greater commercial cooperation between the two nations would be a top goal in the upcoming time in order to establish favourable conditions for growing commerce.