The viceroy PM Dimitar Kovachevski – Tache just doesn’t have luck with “patriotism”. Not only did his Foreign Affairs Minister Bujar Osmani humiliate him in front of the Bulgarian Foreign Minister, by denying what he said in Reykjavik (that Bulgaria treats Macedia in the same way Russia treats Ukraine), but he is also completely lost in time and space, forgetting what he has already signed, the journalist Predrag Dimitrovski wrote in his Pressing TV opted.

Thus, on the Day of Pan-Slavic Eductors,  SS. Cyril and Methodius, Kovacevski, in his patriotic exaltation, said:

“… from this piece of land, we source the old-Slavic, Cyril-Methodius, and church Slavic inheritance, an essential part of the cultural inheritance of all Slavic peoples, among them of my people, of our Macedonian people…”.

What a proud statement! Or, as the Bulgarians would say: nicely said, but it isn’t like that!

As if Tache forgot what he accepted as a solution regarding the Holy Brothers in the mixed Macedonian – Bulgarian commission on historical issues. Let us remind him:

“The missionary work of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius set the foundation of the Christian culture and spirituality for all Slavic peoples…  The works of SS. Cyril and Methodius were preserved and improved in the literary centers of Preslav and Ohrid, which were within the territory of the Medieval Bulgarian state… The turbulent times of the mid-19th century revived the interest in the lives and work of the Holy Brothers… This offers an essential basis for the modern states of the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Bulgaria to observe the Day of SS. Cyril and Methodius…”.

So, this piece of land, including Ohrid, was on the territory f the Medieval Bulgarian state. And that is it. No connection to Macedonian territory whatsoever. Allowing the modern Bulgarians to appropriate the entire history. Which they gladly do.

Talking about the harmfulness of the Treaty of Good Neighborliness, Friendship, and Cooperation and the so-called “French proposal”, which present a basis for the bulgarization of Macedonia and Macedonians: what will the children learn in the future about their country? Which version of the history? Why is he closing his eyes in front of this?