DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti offered to be the first DUI party official who will undergo a full examination of his finances and his conduct in power for abuses and corruption. This offer comes after the US placed his party official and Mayor of Struga Ramiz Merko on a black list for corruption and interference with justice.

Commentator Mirjana Najcevska responded to Ahmeti’s offer by suggesting that there is no need for an investigation and that there is a wealth of wiretaps that show all his wrongdoing. This was alleged during the Colored Revolution by SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, who claimed that he has wiretaps about all Government officials but only released tapes about VMRO-DPMNE officials and then took DUI as his coalition partner.

There are open investigations that are kept in the drawer. Another step is to remove all criminals that DUI elevated as judges and prosecutors. And lastly, we can release the “bombs” about DUI that Zaev covered up, Najcevska said.