At the Summit of the European Political Community held in the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Hristian Mickoski had several bilateral meetings, including one with the new Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain.

In a video statement, Mickoski mentioned that he met with statesmen from the region and neighboring countries, including the presidents of Serbia, Montenegro, and Bulgaria—Aleksandar Vučić, Jakov Milatović, and Rumen Radev, respectively—as well as the Prime Minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenković. During these meetings, Mickoski discussed the challenges facing the region and the priorities of the Macedonian government.

“The main priority of Macedonia and the new Macedonian government is good neighborly relations and finally finding a permanent and sustainable solution to the problem we have with our eastern neighbor. I would also highlight the meetings I had with President Zelensky, and with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, where I clearly presented the positions of the new Macedonian government,” Mickoski said in a statement transmitted by the government’s press service.

Mickoski singled out his address at the round table on one of the panels at the Summit, where he spoke about challenges in energy, regional connectivity, and the interests of Macedonia.

“And that represents practical and regional connection, as well as a challenge for timely and sustainable supply of all energy consumers, among which I would single out gas and electricity. The main interest of Macedonia as a country is to be a transit route for the main energy sources that will supply Central Europe,” Mickoski stated.

At the end of the video statement, the Prime Minister added, “We are returning with good impressions and with what is a dignified representation of Macedonian interests here in Oxford, Great Britain.”