“The renowned Commission for Infectious Diseases, originally an advisory body to the Minister of Health, has now become an advisory body to the Center for Public Health. This shift, amid the spreading whooping cough epidemic, prompted a reaction from the Health Commission of VMRO DPMNE.

Since the declaration of the whooping cough epidemic in Skopje ten days ago, health authorities have made PR announcements and held press conferences, but practical measures remain elusive. In the past seven days alone, 17 new cases were registered, all in Skopje, according to Dr. Goran Kuzevski, a specialist epidemiologist.

About ten days ago, the Commission on Infectious Diseases made several recommendations:

The Commission recommended to the Center for Public Health Skopje to declare an epidemic in the city of Skopje. However, Article 56 of the Law on the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases clearly states that the Center for Public Health declares an epidemic for its established territory. This raises questions about the role of the Commission.

The Institute of Public Health was tasked with developing professional guidelines and protocols for dealing with whooping cough cases. Unfortunately, ten days later, these guidelines are yet to be developed and delivered to hospitals and public health centers.

The recommendation included having immunization points operate in two shifts and on Saturdays. However, due to staffing issues, many points operate only one shift, and some cities lack a doctor entirely.

In addition to these challenges, there are issues related to diagnostic practices, echoing those observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Private laboratories conduct PCR tests that citizens must pay for, while some Public Health Centers, despite having the necessary equipment and staff, lack the authorization to perform tests. Currently, only the Institute of Public Health in Skopje has the capacity for testing, resulting in a concentration of cases in the capital, as noted by Dr. Kuzevski.”