Valon Bela, the recently dismissed financial director of the Gynecology Clinic, accused the management for the high level of infant deaths. Bela, a DUI party official, was dismissed after he publicly accused clinic director and SDSM party appointee Violeta Jovanovska of overpaying for purchases.

Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce dismissed Bela after he went public with his allegations, and Jovanovska claimed that he requested that she signs long term contracts with several part time employees hired through the DUI party, and threatened her that he will go public with his revelations if she doesn’t. Zaev backed his party colleagues Filipce and Jovanovska and said that Bela’s claims were gibberish.

When you lose six newborn babies in a week and the Prime Minister responds to my complaints saying that I’m “talking gibberish”, then we have a problem with our basic humanity. I regret that the parents of the dead infants have to hear such words from a Prime Minister. In a different country people would go to prison over this, Bela said.

The parents of one of the babies who died recently shared Bela’s claims that the testing agents which were being used by the clinic were of poor quality and believe that may have contributed to the death of their child.