The Bulgarian MEP and co-president of VMRO-BND, Angel Dzhambazki, attended today in Skopje the commemoration of the 95th death anniversary of the Macedonian revolutionary Mara Buneva, during which flowers were laid on her memorial on the Vardar quay.

Dzhambazki, with a megaphone, addressed hundreds of supporters of Buneva’s work, who came to pay their respects.

I am here to support the Bulgarians. I will not let them continue the policy of genocide ordered by the Comintern. I will not allow continued denationalization of the Bulgarians in the Republic of Macedonia, Dzhambazki said, among other things, in his speech, which is only part of his constant provocations towards the Macedonian state.

Earlier, a memorial service was organized in the church of St. Dimitrija, after which some Bulgarians from Macedonia, as well as the arrived Bulgarian citizens, headed to the Vardar quay.

In the last few years, Bulgarian associations have been gathering in front of the memorial of Mara Buneva, who carried out the assassination of the State Prosecutor of Serbia, Velimir Prelić on January 13, 1928.

Buneva was born in Tetovo. According to the interpretation of historians, the distortion of history and the truth, the claims that Buneva was Bulgarian is Serbian propaganda to justify coexistence in SFRY, as well as to hide the Serbian occupation of Macedonia. Their remark is that the Macedonian state did not make a memorial worthy of Buneva’s self-sacrifice, but allowed the appropriation of her work for other people’s interests.