SDSM party leader Venko Filipce said that he has invited former Culture Minister Bisera Kostadinovska – Stojcevska for a a meeting, where they will discuss her reckless spending. VMRO-DPMNE representatives are revealing new details about Kostadinovska every day, and they include using public funds to purchase wardrobe and booking of flights that she never used.

I scheduled a meeting with the former Minister for today. I insist that the institutions investigate the allegations and, if there is any impropriety, there should be accountability, Filipce said.

In their latest press conference, VMRO-DPMNE disclosed that Kostadinovska purchased tickets for London that cost 45,000 denars but never went to the trip. “This is not the first time that Bisera Antoinette booked tickets on a whim and paid thousands of euros simply because she wanted to go on a trip”, said VMRO representative Mile Lefkov.