First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Izet Mexhiti, met on Monday with a delegation from the International Organization for Migrants (IOM) in Skopje, including the Head of Mission in North Macedonia, Sonja Bozhinovska Petrushevska, and Project Manager Vanja Lazaridis.

The Ministry is currently supporting two projects in collaboration with IOM. These projects focus on measuring air quality in Tetovo and incorporating migrants into the National Plan for Climate Change Adaptation, according to a statement from the Ministry.

As part of the first project in Tetovo, in partnership with South East European University, sensors were installed in several locations to measure air quality. The goal was to gather data on the connection between air quality and human mobility in the city.

The meeting also covered potential areas for further cooperation, particularly through the Green Finance Facility, a project implemented with UNDP that emphasizes the link between migration and climate change.

IOM has been active in North Macedonia since 1999, addressing humanitarian needs for both migrants and domestic populations through direct assistance.