Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Timcho Mucunski held a farewell meeting on Thursday with outgoing Polish Ambassador Krzysztof Grzelczyk.

Minister Mucunski expressed his gratitude for Ambassador Grzelczyk’s overall engagement and active contribution to strengthening relations between the two countries. He emphasized the importance of developing and nurturing the relationship and cooperation with Poland, which are built on friendship and shared values, according to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Minister also thanked Poland for its principled and strong support for the country’s EU integration process, both bilaterally and through the Visegrád Group. He underscored the government’s commitment to continuing on the European path by implementing an active reform agenda at home and acting responsibly on the international stage.

“As NATO allies, both parties highlighted the excellent cooperation on all key issues and their readiness for further coordination and collaboration during the upcoming NATO Summit in Washington,” the press release stated.

Mucunski also briefed the Ambassador on the Government’s priorities, with a special focus on strengthening economic cooperation and attracting new Polish investments.