If SDSM believes that the people is with them, it should not be afraid and support the referendum initiative, and only in this way will it be known whether they are right or VMRO-DPMNE, the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, said at today’s event of the Democratic forces of the Roma party, adding that only SDSM and their installations in the opposition are against a referendum, while the whole nation demands a referendum.

Regarding the debate in the public, there is a strange situation, and that is that the opponents of the referendum declaration of the people are the government and those installations of the government in opposition. It is a strange situation that unites those installations of the government in opposition and between the Macedonian people and the government itself. And all the rest, the vast majority of citizens, regardless of ethnicity, are in favor of holding a referendum, Mickoski pointed out.

Mickoski indicated that for the referendum he received support from the EC and Central Committee of the party and in the coming period the consultations with the experts and the public will follow on what the referendum will be like and when it would be held.

Mickoski emphasized that the referendum should protect the Macedonian identity and that this government, which has no credibility, has no right to negotiate and has no right to sign agreements.