VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Bojan Stojanoski called on the Judicial Council to immediately dismiss judge Pajazit Pajaziti. Pajaziti, known for his ties to the DUI party, allowed the release into house arrest of former UCK fighter Blerim Ramadani who was sought for war crimes by Serbia – Ramadani promptly escaped from the house arrest and fled to Kosovo.

This same judge was the deciding factor in the incident at the Skopje airport control tower, and also gave a suspended sentence to public attorney Idzet Memeti in his corruption case. Whenever SDS and DUI have some interest in a case, judge Pajaziti is there to do their bidding, said Stojanoski in a press conference.

VMRO-DPMNE is calling for a thorough reform of the Judicial Council as the best way to end the rampant corruption in Macedonia’s judiciary. The proposal is finding opposition from diplomatic representatives in Skopje, and especially from entrenched partisan interests in the judiciary.