Republika has learnt that the Alternative party is on the verge of leaving the Government after they received an exceptionally lowball offer from Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski to remain in his coalition. Afrim Gashi’s party received enormous concessions a year ago, when they got three Government departments in exchange for their four votes in Parliament, to shore up the crumbling SDSM – DUI coalition.

But the coalition remains shaky with divisions in both DUI and also reportedly in SDSM. This prompted Kovacevski to turn to the Alliance of Albanians, which holds six seats in Parliament. In order to satisfy their equally large appetites, Kovacevski reportedly decided to take all of Gashi’s departments, except for the relatively uninteresting department of Public Administration and Information Technology.

Republika is informed that Alternative sees this offer as so low, that they believe Kovacevski is deliberately trying to expel them from the Government in an attempt to compensate the Alliance of Albanians almost exclusively with the seats that the Alternative held in the Government, to minimize losses to SDSM and DUI.

The Alliance will take the Healthcare Ministry from the Alternative party, the Justice Ministry from SDSM and will also get a post of Deputy Prime Minister. The Alliance is also expected to win top positions in the MEPSO energy company and the PIOM retirement fund.