We got very good news from Brussels. The European Commission recommended the opening of negotiations with North Macedonia, Samuel Žbogar said Wednesday.

I congratulate you on your efforts and your dedication, but also the sacrifices you made in the past period, said the EU Ambassador.

He noted that last June, the EU leaders set a clear path to opening negotiations this year, and first of all, deepening reforms in several areas and asked the EC to prepare a report on this.

What we are presenting today is not just a common progress report, but a report on the fulfillment of conditions set by EU member states in June last year. EU Commissioner Hahn said it was clear that the country used the opportunity offered and implemented the ambitious agenda, said Žbogar.

The country, as he said, met all the conditions and noted results in several areas: the rule of law, the judiciary, the fight against corruption and organized crime, public administration reform, intelligence reform and public administration reform.

In addition, as Žbogar, the historic Prespa Treaty and the Treaty of good neighborly relations with Bulgaria were also achieved.

According to him, the country should continue to deliver visible results in key areas such as the judicial system, the fight against corruption and crime, the public administration. Now. as he said, good progress has been made, but efforts to improve in these areas should be permanent.

In the country, Žbogar pointed out, there is will to continuously go forward, the culture of compromise in the political landscape has been improved, through the efforts of the Government to cover all stakeholders in the society, including the opposition and the civil sector in an inclusive and transparent manner.

The EU Ambassador Žbogar stressed that the climate for freedom of the media and freedom of expression continued to improve, but, as he pointed out, lasting efforts are needed to improve the independence and professional standards of the public broadcaster, as well as its financial sustainability. It is essential that public services and political elites demonstrate a high level of tolerance in terms of criticism of their work in order to maintain freedom of expression.

He encouraged all stakeholders in the country to find a solution to the new Law on Public Prosecutor’s Office, which will include the SPO, as he said, so that the cases of prosecution of high crime and corruption involving senior officials could continue.